The EV kit supports Microsemi half-bridge SiC power modules in standard SP1 packages, namely APTMC120AM20CT1AG and APTMC120AM55CT1AG; can provide voltages up to 1200V and 50A at 200kHz switching frequency; has independent high-side and low-side PWM inputs (single control, 70ns dead Is used for testing) and can be used for low-inductance and high-current terminals for V+, V-, and AC phase connections. Isolation plates are designed to increase design reliability while reducing the need to create additional prototypes for power conversion and energy storage customers. Save time, reduce costs, and shorten time to market. ADI and Microsemi demonstrated the evaluation board at the APEC 2018 trade show in San Antonio, Texas, from March 4th to 8th, 2018.
The new evaluation board can be used as a building block for more complex topologies (such as full-bridge or multi-level converters) for complete bench debugging of customer solutions; it can also be used as a final evaluation platform or for converters like In the configuration, to fully test and evaluate the ADI's ADuM4135 isolated gate driver with iCoupler® digital isolation technology and the LT3999 DC-DC driver in a high-power system.
This high-power evaluation board enables Microsemi's SiC power modules to offer many advantages, such as: Universal test bench, providing higher power density to reduce size and cost, higher efficiency through isolation of the conductive substrate and minimum parasitic capacitance, performance and Excellent thermal management. These features make this board suitable for many applications including electric vehicle (EV) charging, HEV/EV charging, DC-DC converters, switching power supplies, high power motor control and aerospace applications. Actuator Systems, Plasma/Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment, Lasers and Welding, MRI and X-Ray Equipment.