The Cycles article said researchers looked at 45,000 Danish adults and found that the risk of heart attacks was reduced by 11% to 18% for regular bikes in a 20-year follow-up survey; weekly The need to ride a bicycle for half an hour would help to protect the body against coronary artery disease; regular bikes during the first five years of follow-up reduced the risk of heart disease by 25% compared with those who did not ride bikes for the next 15 years.
The study, published in the American Heart Association Weekly, said researchers conducted a 10-year follow-up survey of 20,000 Sweden's 40, 50 and 60-year-olds, measuring their commute, weight, , Cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood glucose were monitored. Among those who cycled to work using public transport or driving a car, 15% were not prone to obesity, 13% were less likely to develop high blood pressure, and 15% Less susceptible to hypercholesterolemia, 12% of people are not susceptible to diabetes.In the next 10 years of research, researchers found that people who maintain cycling habits, reduce the risk of obesity 39%, 11% lower the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol The risk is reduced by 20% and the risk of diabetes is reduced by 18%.
Researchers believe exercise is not too late for everyone, and those who switch from driving or commuting to cycling to get to work can significantly notice their cardiovascular health improvements.