Violet memory real performance experience: even overclocking

The news about the production of DDR4 memory by Ziguang Group has been confirmed after several reversal.Zv has indeed plans to produce DDR4 memory, but it is under development and optimization and will be available in the market in 2018.

Interestingly, the day Taobao shelves Purple DDR4 memory (unofficial channel), 4GB price of 420 yuan, the default frequency of 2400MHz. Purple DDR4 memory 4GB * 2 price as high as 840 yuan, the price can be very high, the mainstream memory The brand's high-frequency light bar products, but also so.

But even more eye-popping is that, after netizens confirmed that the sale of violet DDR4 memory is not purple particles, to the mid-2018 will be changed to purple particles, and now only DDR3 memory with violet particles.

So what is the performance of domestic purple memory DDR3 particles? It is worth to start? In order to solve everyone's questions, we have brought purple DDR3 4GB * 2 1600 memory evaluation, to help you understand the true performance of the memory.

testing platform:

Note: Due to the age of the DDR3 memory test platform, the test platform we are using may not be able to deliver the full performance of the violet memory.

AIDA64 and WinRAR compression performance testing

Violet DDR3 memory initial frequency of 1600MHz, after I experiment, the memory can be overclocked to 1866MHz without adjusting the voltage, this test we will compare the two 1600MHz and 1866MHz frequency test scores.

DDR3 1600MHz frequency state test scores

Overclocking DDR3 1866MHz frequency state test scores


AIDA64 memory bandwidth test items include memory read, write, copy and delay parameters, and provide a full range of hardware information detection capabilities, user-friendly platform for accurate understanding of the hardware configuration information.

The above is a test case of AIDA64 memory test tool, we analyze the data from the test, in the DDR3 1600MHz frequency state, the memory read, write, copy, respectively, 17880MB / s, 9183MB / s, 14888MB / s, Which we can see GALAXY GAMER Ⅱ memory delay time 47ns.

When overclocked to 1600MHz, the memory reads, writes and copies further increased to 18846 MB / s, 9032 MB / s and 14225 MB / s, while the latency increased to 109.5 ns.

WinRAR compression performance

WinRAR is an excellent file compression and decompression tool. Its performance is closely related to the CPU, memory and hard disk of the platform. When the performance alignment of the SSD does not form a bottleneck, the factors that affect the file compression rate are CPU and memory.

DDR3 1600 frequency

The first is still the BIOS default DDR3 1600MHz results, purple DDR3 memory WinRAR decompression rate of 2656KB / s.

DDR3 1866 frequency

The next test memory overclocking configuration performance, WinRAR decompression rate of 3156KB / s. Compared to the default frequency increase significantly.

Super PI 1M Compute Performance

The Super PI is a platform computing performance testing tool that assesses platform computing performance by measuring the time it takes to perform a certain number of bits after a certain PI. Factors affecting performance include the CPU and memory.

DDR3 1600 frequency

The first is the default DDR3 1600MHz test, finished 1M time-consuming 19.985s.

DDR3 1866 frequency

The next DDR3 1866MHz test, finished 1M time-consuming 19.672s, compared to the default frequency of about 0.313s.

SiSoftware Sandra test

SiSoftware Sandra is a very old piece of software, but that does not prevent us from using it to test memory bandwidth and latency.

First is the 1600MHz test, the overall memory performance of 10.57GB / s, a delay of 757 milliseconds.

Followed by overclocking 1866MHz test scores, the total memory performance increased to 12GB / s, delay reduced to 667 milliseconds.

Memory timing comparison and conclusions

Finally, let us look at the timing of the purple DDR3 memory.Pioneer DDR3 memory 1600MHz default channel, the timing is 11-11-11-28, overclocked to 1866MHz timing after 9-11-11-28, mainly to reduce latency. The timing is basically the same as that of the mainstream brand memory on the market.

1600MHz timing

1866MHz timing

Violet DDR3 memory overall performance and other DDR3 memory brand products are basically the same, the test results are quite satisfactory.This test result is also very good to explain, Ziguang Group's DDR3 memory technology from Infineon Technologies in storage division, in 2006 Infineon Divided the division set up a Qimonda company, in 2009 Qimonda was acquired by Inspur Group, the company changed to Xi'an Hua Xin company, by 2015, the acquisition of the core of the country purple core, DDR3 technology is the natural purple group grasp.

But we do not have to be discouraged, the technology industry, but any technology that started later need through rapid development of mergers and acquisitions and imitation.High-speed rail only a few years from scratch, the chip industry is also true.

As for Violet DDR3 memory products, I do not recommend buying them. First of all, this memory price has no advantage over other brands. Secondly, this memory is not an official channel for sale. There is no warranty. If you have the need to purchase memory, you are still honest. Really buy regular channel products.

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