Launched on Wednesday, CEVA announced Nuance's AI-enabled wake-up and voice activation technology suite on the CEVA-TeakLite family of DSPs. Nuance's voice-activated features can be easily integrated into any embedded system design, including always-on smartphones, IoT Devices and smart home personal assistants, allowing users to interact with these devices without having to press a button to activate an assistant. Several leading smartphone OEMs have integrated this solution, which will be available in the spring of 2018.
Kenneth Harper, Nuance Emerging Solutions Vice President, said: "Nuance is at the forefront of the conversational AI revolution that enables people to communicate seamlessly and seamlessly with their machines." For low-power embedded systems, CEVA-TeakLite DSP is the answer for our market-leading voice Activated technology offers outstanding low standby power consumption and has the processing power to run additional voice algorithms for further differentiation. '
Moshe Sheier, director of strategic marketing at CEVA, said: "Our combination of ultra-low-power audio / voice DSPs and Nuance-optimized voice activation technology provides an efficient always-on solution for emerging voice markets. The strength of the device is beyond doubt. The Nuance voice activation technology combined with CEVA-TeakLite is ideally suited for power-sensitive, battery-powered devices such as smartphones, headsets and IoT. "