War between LoRa and NB-IoT | Korea's top telecom operators launch their product war

Korea Telecom's Small Things Network Nationwide Network Competition Spreads Towards Products SK Telecom Pioneers Launch of LoRa-Based Products, KT and LG U + Products Based on Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) In 2017, SKT launched a total of 18 products, including LoRa devices, sensors, chip modules and gateway devices, which are expected to support the Internet of Things (IoT) specification in 2017. Compared with the first half of 2018's "IoT Products and Services" Of the total number of KT and LG U + products increased by 9. KT and LG U + launched 9 NB-IoT products, an increase of 7 over 2017. The total number of small-to-internet networking products increased overall, but the NB-IoT proportion increased significantly. KT and LG U + Completed NB-IoT Korea Network Construction in July 2017. Although it is about a year behind SKT's LoRa network, it has ensured that it provides a foundation for Small Internet of Things service. The industry started to develop NB-IoT products in 2017. South Korean industry sources said that in the past, only companies producing LoRa products also upgraded their products to support NB-IoT. LG U + Provided 100,000 NB-IoT chip modules for free in 2017 Core components, right Following the expansion of LoRa, smaller devices such as NB-IoT and LTE-M have witnessed more competition and fierce competition among camps. LoRa includes three telecom operators and communications equipment providers such as SKT, KT and LG U + Continue to expand the sphere of influence.Communications equipment manufacturers, communications specifications to ensure product and service competitiveness of the core elements.According to the characteristics of communication specifications, research and development, construction, warranty costs are different, can provide different services. Most of the manufacturers in charge of research and development devices, which provide goods for telecom operators or participate in the network construction business, can differentiate the services according to the characteristics of the spectrum and the means of communication. Therefore, the director of the Internet of Things Association, Cheng Sung-tai, said: Competence will be about communication specifications.

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