Choose a good diet for your baby | Measured 11 models of infant formula

The face of an array of infants and young children on the shelves milk formula, I believe you have a dizzy hemp Ma flawed, this issue, the evaluation room has brought the mainstream of the market 11 infant formula, a detailed assessment of how scientifically Choose a suitable formula for your baby, here will give mothers a rational reference!

Evaluation method:

1, a comprehensive can body material and sealing methods to determine the sealing;

2, observe the milk can body, lid design details, including whether there is powder spoon storage card, milk scratch and so on.

Test results:

1, sealing

2, powder spoon storage card & scratch design

Mead Johnson enfa A +:

Conventional can packaging, using 'plastic soft cover + iron cover + easy to tear tin foil' three-layer sealing method, no milk powder scratch design, no powder storage card design.

Mead Johnson Blues:

Conventional cans packaging, using 'plastic soft cover + easy to tear tin foil' double sealing method, the mouth of the mouth with milk powder scraping, no powder storage card design.

Wyeth Kai Fu:

Conventional cans packaging, using 'cans of rigid plastic cover + easy to tear tin foil' double seal. Cans mouth edge of milk powder scraping, milk powder covered with convenient powder spoon storage card.

Abbott Xikangli:

Plastic tank packaging, using 'cans of rigid plastic cover + easy to tear tin foil' double seal, no edge of milk powder scraping, milk powder covered with convenient powder spoon storage card.

Royal Beauty Sujiaer:

Conventional cans, with 'double cans of plastic lid + easy to tear foil' double seal, the edge of the tank has a convenient place to store the powder spoon, also designed to scrape the mouth of milk powder.

Nestle Super Energy:

Conventional cans, using 'plastic soft cover + easy to tear tin foil' double seal, no milk powder scraping at the edge of the tank mouth, there is a powder spoon storage card.

Illyn Collar:

Conventional cans, with 'double cans of plastic lid + easy to tear foil' double seal, the edge of the tank mouth for easy storage of the powder spoon, but also designed to scrape the mouth of milk powder.

Love him beauty:

Easy can packaging, 'can lid + easy to tear tin foil' double seal, cans mouth edge of milk powder design, the lid also has a powder spoon storage card.


Conventional iron cans, double-sealed with plastic soft cover + easy-tear foil, milk powder scraping edge at the edge of the mouth, no powder spoon storage design.

Hi treasure:

Conventional iron cans, with 'double-layer plastic lid + easy to tear foil' seal, the edge of the pot has a convenient powder spoon storage card position, but also designed the milk scratch.

Promise can:

Easy music cans packaging, the use of 'lid + easy to tear foil' double seal, the edge of the mouth with milk powder scratch design, the lid also has a powder spoon storage card bit.

Evaluation method:

1, take a spoonful of milk poured on the evaluation utensils, smell the smell;

2, under natural light to observe the delicate and dry, take a small amount of friction between the fingers, feel silty fine and dry.

Test results:

Mead Johnson enfa A +:

Faint light yellow, uniform color, very delicate, no knot phenomenon, feels loose and dry, open the package you can smell a fragrance of milk powder, no smell.

Mead Johnson Blue Zhen:

Faint milk white, uniform color, very delicate, no knot group phenomenon, feels loose and dry, smells faint fragrance, no smell.

Wyeth Kai Fu:

Milk yellow, uniform color, looks silty particles larger, there are knot group phenomenon, but it feels still more loose, smells rich creamy, but a little scent.

Abbott-Health force:

Milk yellow, uniform color, larger silty particles, the phenomenon of knots, soft touch, milk is more rich, slightly scent.

Royal US prime good children:

Faint light yellow, uniform color, silty fine, there are knot groups phenomenon, the touch is very soft, smell a subtle fragrance, there is no smell.

Nestle Super can grace:

Was uniform milk yellow, more delicate, no clumps of lumps phenomenon, loose touch dry, but creamy smell in the entrainment.

Erie gold collar crown:

Light cream yellow, silty fine, will knot lumps, feels very soft, smells pure milk, slightly faint smell.

Love him beautiful:

Faint milky white, uniform color, silty fine, no clumps of lumps phenomenon, loose touch dry, smell a little smell of milk in the smell.


Milk yellow, uniform color, large particles of silty, non-caking lumps, loose sense of touch dry, smells sweet creamy milk, no smell.

Hi treasure:

Faint milk yellow, uniform color, larger particles of silty, with a slight knot lumps, the actual feel more loose, smell slightly fragrant milk flavor.

Promise can:

Shallow milk yellow, uniform color, fine silty, with a slight knot, the actual sense of loose, smells slightly sweet smell of milk.

Evaluation method:

1, according to the formula and method of milk formula labeled capacity to adjust the milk, to observe whether the surface of the milk after adjusting the milk foam and undissolved group suspended;

2, pour out the milk, observe the bottom of the cup and the cup wall whether the milk clumps, hanging wall phenomenon.

Test results:

Mead Johnson enfa A +:

Shake well for 2 minutes, there is no undissolved residue on the surface of the milk, pour out the milk and sieve, sieve without any dissolved lumps, the bottom of the bottle without undissolved group, dissolved, slightly hanging wall.

Mead Johnson Blue Zhen:

Shake well for 2 minutes, there is no undissolved residue on the surface of the milk, pour out the milk and sieve, sieve without any dissolved lumps, a very small amount of the bottom of the bottle did not dissolve, the basic dissolution, cup wall slightly hanging wall phenomenon.

Wyeth Kai Fu:

Shake well for 2 minutes, there is no undissolved group on the surface of the milk.Put the milk to sieve, the sieve has not dissolved lumps, the bottom of the bottle remains more insoluble lumps, no hanging wall phenomenon, a small amount of foam attached Bottle wall.

Abbott-Health force:

Shake well for 2 minutes, the surface of the milk is not undissolved groups.Put the milk sieved sieve with a very small amount of undissolved, the bottom of the bottle a small amount of undissolved, slightly hanging wall.

Royal US prime good children:

Shake well for 2 minutes, no undissolved milk surface.Put the milk sieved, sieve no undissolved residue, the bottom of a very small amount of residue, the basic dissolution, no wall phenomenon.

Nestle Super can grace:

Shake well for 2 minutes, the surface of the milk is not dissolved groups.Put the milk sieved sieve no dissolved lumps, the bottom of the bottle without dissolution group, dissolved, without hanging wall phenomenon.

Erie gold collar crown:

Shake well for 2 minutes, the surface of the solution is not dissolved groups. Pour the milk sieved sieve no dissolved lumps, the bottom of the bottle no dissolved group, there is no wall hanging phenomenon, there will be a small amount of foam attached to the bottle wall .

Love him beautiful:

Shake well for 2 minutes, the surface of the milk is not dissolved, the surface will float a small amount of foam.Put the milk to sieve, sieve without undissolved, the bottom of a small amount of undissolved, there is no wall, but the bottle of foam Obvious residue.


Shake well for 2 minutes, the surface of the milk is not dissolved groups, but there is white oil floating on the surface of the milk. Pour the milk sieved sieve no residual residue, the bottom of the bottle without dissolution group, slightly hanging wall .

Hi treasure:

Shake well for 2 minutes, the surface of the solution is not dissolved group. Pour the milk sieved, sieve no undissolved residue, the bottom of the bottle did not dissolve the group, but the wall obviously.

Promise can:

Shake well for 2 minutes, the surface of the milk is free of dissolved groups, and there is a small amount of froth floating on the surface of the milk, pour out the milk and sieve, without any residual residue in the sieve.

Through the above comparison evaluation, in fact, these 11 milk are very good performance, each has its advantages and disadvantages:

In the can body design, Mead Johnson enfaA +, Wyeth Kai Fu, Royal US prime good child, Erie gold collar crown, love him the United States, Hippo, Connaught You can package the overall design is relatively comprehensive, in terms of sealing and ease of use More thorough consideration

In terms of organizational form, Mead Johnson's Enfa A+ and Mead Johnson Blue Pelican performed very well both in terms of visual presentation, as well as actual tactile and olfactory feelings. The silty texture was loose, the smell was sweet and natural, and the sensation doubled.

In regards to reconstitution, Nestle Super Energy has been fully shaken for 2 minutes. It has no agglomerates, no lumps, and no walls. The solubility performance is relatively perfect.

Overall, in the cross comparison of the 11 formula formulas, the Mead Johnson Enfa A+ has outstanding performance, packaging tightness, fine powder looseness, and reconstitution. For the baby to buy what kind of formula to worry about, may wish to try this Mead Johnson enfa A +.

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