Keep away from the misunderstanding | air to water heater is not difficult to use

In recent years, with the implementation of national coal power policy, air water heater gradually into people's vision, but the use of air to water heater, many people there is such a misunderstanding.

Air water heater to be careful of these errors

1, noisy

According to the survey, many people think that air-to-water heaters have compressors and compressors work loudly and can affect daily life. However, this is not the case.

First come to understand the noise source of air to water heaters, the source of noise in two ways: First, the water heater components in the rotation of the noise generated, the second is the body installed properly, not doing earthquake work, resulting in internal pipe and The shell collides to create noise.

However, this phenomenon is already the past tense, at present, the air energy industry has long since shrunk, the noise problem has long been the air energy companies to use technology to solve today's water heater is mostly equipped with twin-turbo fan configuration, The use of lower speeds to achieve the effect of small fans, we all know, the lower the fan speed, the smaller the noise, coupled with the appropriate noise insulation measures, you can effectively reduce the sound of equipment work, the sound as low as 50db.

2, difficult to use complex operation

Many people said that air to water heaters are mostly for parents to buy, worried about the operation is too complicated, parents will not use .In fact, this worry is not necessary .In the progress of science and technology, water heaters are also upgraded, as the fourth generation of air heater The water heater, will only be better to use and will not be more difficult to use.At present, most air water heaters are used 'one-button set' design.Heater has a control panel, just through the remote control or touch screen, set The heating temperature of water heaters, water heaters will automatically absorb the heat in the air to make hot water. High degree of automation, even the elderly are also easy to operate.

3, waiting for a long time hot water

Some people think that air can water heater tank, to wait a long time to heat a bucket of water, in fact, this is also the people's misunderstanding.

Electric water heater is the second generation of water heaters, and air to water heaters are the fourth generation of water heaters, both can not be mentioned in the same breath, although both are water storage water heaters, but the capacity of electric water heaters are generally not large, are below 100L. People to complete a bath, you need about 50L of hot water, so the electric water heater needs repeated heating.Air water heater is different, most of the product tank capacity can reach 150 or even 200L above, far higher than the electric water heater.With air can heat technology Improve, making equipment heating time significantly reduced, a heating to meet the family's bathing, is no longer a dream.

The rapid development of science and technology, a new generation of products is always based on the improvement of the old products, hope that more people can understand this article through the air to water heater products.

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