Recently, Kai-Fu Lee in the MIT Technology Review author: artificial intelligence 10-15 years have the ability to replace the task of half of our work, it will be the fastest human technology revolution in science and technology experience, We are not ready yet.

He reminded technology companies not to say that AI would not affect employment. Responsible technology companies should be honest about the problem and help find solutions.
However, Liu Qiangdong, the founder of Jingdong, gave a different view. He said: 'Ai and robot are sure to replace many human beings. I still think that there is no need to worry about the massive joblessness!'
Liu Qiangdong proposed to 'Why can not we change the working hours into 24 hours per week through legislation? Work 3 or 4 days a week, 6-8 hours a day! So that the benefits of technological progress can be shared by more ordinary people, Rather than only getting more capital!

In many people's view, Liu Qiang East's point of view appears more humane, but can it become a reality yet to be time tested, we think?