In the exhibition 'Polymer Plastics', 'SIBUR' and 'Knauf Poloplast' first proposed the use of Styrofoam paving slabs in the construction of roads. This exhibition was held in Interplastica 2018, January 23 to January 26 'During the show, according to members of the Styrofoam Manufacturers and Suppliers Association (APPP), the project will affect the development of the entire PPC market.

At Polymer Plastics, S. Latyshev, chief marketing officer for plastics, elastomers and organic synthesis at SIBUR, and D. Bobkov, the head of 'GEOFOAM' at Knauf Poloplast, told everyone a milestone Significance of the project: PPC plastic will be used in subgrade construction in St. Petersburg, Corpino, and St. Sophia Avenue to St. Petersburg-Moscow railway overpass.
Of these, the polystyrene foam paving slabs were produced and supplied at the KNAUF Polyfoam plant. The complete size of the bricks was 225 m in length and 54 m in width with a maximum of 8.4 m and the total volume of PPC bricks required was 35 000 m 3. The construction of roads uses polystyrene foam paving slabs to replace the foundations of the former sand and gravel, while the 35,000m3 bricks require 3,182 sand and gravel dump trucks to transport the bricks to the site.
According to experts from the APPP Association, the construction of the project and the installation time of the bricks are greatly shortened due to the use of polystyrene foam paving slabs and the high stability of the soil.