Recently, a number of operators around the world, including China Mobile, said they will sell full-time Windows 10 PCs based on Qualcomm Snapdragon platforms this year. As for the specific launch period, it has not been announced for the time being.
Full-time Internet PC with Snapdragon mobile platform can provide laptops with full-time online functions similar to mobile phones, and at the same time, benefit from a drastic drop in power consumption with reduced performance. Such notebooks or tablets Computer life expectancy there will be greater progress .When the time belongs to the actual needs of their own choice.
Recently, a number of operators around the world, including China Mobile, said they will sell full-time Windows 10 PCs based on Qualcomm Snapdragon platforms this year. As for the specific launch period, it has not been announced for the time being.
Full-time Internet PC with Snapdragon mobile platform can provide laptops with full-time online functions similar to mobile phones, and at the same time, benefit from a drastic drop in power consumption with reduced performance. Such notebooks or tablets Computer life expectancy there will be greater progress .When the time belongs to the actual needs of their own choice.