And before the news exposure, Samsung released the Galaxy S9 at the same time introduced a new DeX Pad, in addition to make S9 into PC mode to use, S9 can also make the screen into a touchpad for use as a mouse, and even the future as a direct keyboard.
The new DeX Pad uses a new style design, Can let the phone 'lie' in the DeX Pad charge above, with the S9 can output 2560x1440 screen resolution, is no longer limited to 1080P resolution.
The connection part contains two kinds of interfaces, one is a Type-C interface that can be used to charge the phone connection, and the other is to make the phone screen output to the HDMI interface of the screen, but the RJ-45 interface in the previous version is canceled, It may be to connect your phone directly or via Wi-Fi.
In addition, the current design of the device and the mouse can not be online at the same time, that is, if you use the mouse control, then the system will automatically turn off the phone mouse function, Samsung said in order to avoid system conflicts.