'Summer eat radish summer eat ginger, security throughout the year', Chinese medicine to turnip when medicine has more than a thousand years of history.
"Diet Herbal" said radish 'Lee five internal organs, light body, it is white and delicate' visible radish not only through weight loss to make the body agile, as well as beauty, make the skin delicate effect of modern research shows that: radish Glucose, sucrose, fructose, double-stranded ribonucleic acid and various vitamins, trace elements, can regularly make the intestine increased tension, increased peristalsis, shorten the retention time of food in the intestine, which will help food metabolism and waste discharge, without Dieting to achieve the effect of diet.
Radish contains less calories, more cellulose, easy to produce a sense of fullness after eating, these are helpful to lose weight. Radish can prevent the occurrence of gallstones and other diseases. Especially double-stranded RNA can induce the body's own interference Su, increase the body immunity, which is of great significance to prevent the occurrence of diseases such as cancer, we can see that eating radish is really serve multiple purposes!
As for eating, raw food is the best, can be cold, dipping sauce, can be processed into kimchi, can also be used as fruit to eat.If you can insist on eating 50-100 grams of raw carrot, you will receive unexpected benefits .
Carrot, white radish, green radish, etc. By the way, although carrot and radish are genetically different in their botany, their effectiveness is similar, and carotenoids and some hypoglycemic ingredients are also beneficial The ancients said: Good medicine is better than cure, want to lose weight? Please eat radish!
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