Older people to check what the eye

Older people to check what the eye

Speaker: Beijing Geriatric Hospital, chief physician Chen Jianhua

The main function of the eye is to accept the light, so that we can see the image and movement of the object, but with age, some of its functions will gradually diminish, and even cause lesions, resulting in decreased vision. Here is to introduce some of the common elderly Eye disease.

Eyesight gradually decline to pay attention to these diseases

It is often said that 'old eyes and dusk', the elderly's vision loss sometimes only a physiological phenomenon, but may also be caused by the disease.

Cataract causes of cataract is the ophthalmic lens opacity, hinder the light into the eye .Has opacity has little effect on visual acuity, and then gradually increased, leading to blurred vision or even blindness, seriously affecting the quality of life of the elderly .If you find early cataract, should be Regular eye examination; cataract to a certain extent, the need for surgical treatment, so as to avoid complications, resulting in irreversible visual impairment.

Macular degeneration, which is one of the serious eye diseases that lead to decreased vision in the elderly, is an irreversible cause of blindness.Mantic macular degeneration is a retinal lesions involving the macular area of ​​the fundus, the performance of central visual acuity decreased gradually, may be associated with visual distortion About 40% of patients with macular degeneration within 5 years of onset of the disease, however, patients are often in the disease progression, or both eyes after treatment, delay the treatment, therefore, early detection and early treatment, To maximize the protection of central vision, prevent blindness.

Diabetic retinopathy Generally speaking, eye complications may occur after more than 5 years of diabetes, and diabetic retinopathy is the most serious ocular complication.At this time, the disease is superficial and when the vision loss is found, usually the retina Lesions have been very serious, the last is not only blind, but also due to severe pain and the need to remove the eye .So, as long as the discovery of diabetes, it should be regularly to the eye dilated eye examination, if necessary, also need special fundus fluorescein and other tests to Prompt treatment.

In addition, patients with diabetic retinopathy are often accompanied by binocular diphtheria symptoms, that is, to see things often ghosting, covering one eye symptoms disappear for the elderly, especially diabetic patients, once the symptoms appear in time Visit, clear the original disease.

Glaucoma .Different types of glaucoma show different.Close-angle glaucoma early manifested as nasal root pain, sour, etc .; acute attack may occur in patients with sudden redness, eye swelling, decreased vision with headache, nausea and vomiting, can be overworked, the spirit of Trauma, mood swings or climate change and other factors.Acute angle closure glaucoma acute onset, intraocular pressure increased sharply, should be promptly to the eye treatment, so as not to delay the first aid.

The other is open-angle glaucoma, early symptoms are not obvious, it is recommended that people over the age of 40, regardless of asymptomatic regular eye examination.

Abrupt vision loss is mostly severe

Sudden sight loss of the elderly, is likely to be a precursor to ophthalmic crisis, must not be the effect, should be immediately sent to the hospital to rule out the following diseases.

Central retinal artery embolism. The main pathogenesis of thrombosis, high blood viscosity, vasospasm, intraocular pressure or orbital pressure, trauma, infection and surgery; mostly monocular disease, is one of the ophthalmic emergency. Most patients with sudden vision loss A sharp decline to only manual or light perception, a small number of patients may appear aura symptoms, that is, monocular transient black eyes, visual acuity can be restored to normal after a few minutes; can be repeated many times, if not timely treatment, the final occlusion of the artery , Due to necrosis of retinal tissue caused by irreversible complete blindness.The disease is more common in the original hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis in the elderly patients with the above symptoms should be promptly to the eye, fundus and fundus fluorescein angiography , While in the medical examination of blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids.

Vitreous hemorrhage. More common in patients with high blood pressure and diabetes, a large number of bleeding seriously affect the vision, leading to decreased acute vision, eye clinic at the same time should also be excluded to the corresponding systemic medical diseases.

Retinal detachment .High incidence of myopia in patients with frequent eyes often have disease.The disease and the patient's age, heredity, ocular degeneration, trauma, no crystal and other factors.Most cases of sudden onset, vision loss or shadow in front of the block, Before the onset of flash mosquitoes and flash flu, etc. If the above symptoms should be promptly to the eye mydriasis fundus, while ophthalmic B-ultrasound to exclude retinal detachment.

Cerebrovascular disease. Some patients with cerebrovascular accident suddenly have decreased visual acuity. Short-term hemifacial and facial sensations and dyskinesia may appear before the onset of symptoms. Elderly patients should seek immediate medical attention and ophthalmic examination at the same time Head CT, so as not to delay the disease.

Dry, tears should pay attention

Some elderly eye disease, although not cause vision loss, but affect the health and quality of life, but also need attention.

Dry eyes / dry eyes. Eyes have a sense of dryness, foreign body sensation, scrub or burning sensation, red eyes, there are many eyelashes debris; get up in the morning eyes open difficulties, like adhesion; more serious eye Department has secretions and eye fatigue. The elderly to have more blink of an eye, increase tear secretion, keep the cornea moist .In the diet, you can eat animal liver, often drink chrysanthemum wolfberry tea, helps eyesight.

Vitreous opacity. Patients with vitreous opacity often found in front of dusty, spotty, line-shaped, snowflake-like shadow, the shadow with the eye movement up and down or left and right flares, but also in the eye stop motion, and back to the original Site. Eye trauma, intraocular surgery, severe hypertension, diabetes, inflammation, retinal vein embolism, high myopia, vitreous calcifications and cholesterol deposition are the main causes of vitreous opacity.

Tears often shed tears may have lesions, such as lacrimal duct obstruction.In addition to tears of the elderly love tear disease, conjunctivitis and other eye diseases, but also with their eye skin relaxation, muscle degenerative changes occurred.

Eye examination check what

The elderly appear early vision loss is generally manifested as far unclear, to see the past is not clear or far to see almost unclear; can also be manifested as visual distortion, rainbow (see the light when the feeling of color around the aperture), the immediate With a sense of glitter or occlusion, reduced vision, and transient blackness that obscures visual acuity and symptoms of eye pain, swollen eyes, headache, nausea, etc. If seniors find themselves experiencing one or more of the above symptoms, Should be promptly to the eye clinic.The doctor will check the visual acuity to understand the exact situation and optometry to determine whether it is refractive error or presbyopia.

If far, near vision is not good, you need further examination by slit lamp microscope to see if there are corneal scars, cataract and vitreous opacity, or with or without keratitis, iridocyclitis, angle closure glaucoma and so on.

Through the detailed examination of the fundus, most of the retina, choroid and optic neuropathy can be diagnosed.For the unidentifiable, it is also possible to determine whether there are optic nerves and visual pathological changes by visual field examination, and if necessary, fundus angiography, whole body and brain examination If the above test results are negative, should pay attention to is not amblyopia.

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