Interviewee: First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University Cardiology Deputy Chief Physician Yong-Tai
After the end of the Spring Festival holiday, patients with cardiovascular disease were significantly more. Due to the over-rich diet during the holiday season and other reasons, some people have high blood lipids, some have blood vessels blocked, and others have committed myocardial infarction.
These are all related to the damage of blood vessel.With the increase of age, the renewal capacity of the body's whole blood vessels gradually declines, showing the aging trend.The reduction of the body's metabolism rate can lead to a large amount of waste accumulating in the blood vessels, thus causing the corresponding diseases. Common factors include: smoking, alcoholism, obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and mental disorders, etc. These factors can cause endothelial dysfunction in the blood vessels tear a 'breakthrough' in the blood circulation of carbohydrates , Triglycerides and cholesterol along the breakthrough into the middle of the blood vessels and deposition, and ultimately the formation of what we often say atherosclerotic plaque occupy the blood vessels in the long run, causing the corresponding organs of insufficient blood supply. Plaque rupture thrombosis Easy to plug the blood vessels, causing tissue and organ infarction, the most common for the myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction. Harbin Medical University First Affiliated Hospital of Cardiology, deputy director of the Department of Physician Wing too too summarized four small coup, you can give blood vessels 'bath' , Make it 'a new look'.
First, adjust the diet to clean the blood vessels 'rubbish' In order to avoid hyperlipemia and hyperglycemia on the blood vessels, should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, eat less meat, minimize the high cholesterol foods (such as animal offal ) Intake of kelp, oats, celery, etc. rich in dietary fiber and gum components, can be combined with the metabolic waste in the blood to promote its discharge, purify blood vessels, fish oil and other health products to improve the balance of the body lipid metabolism there is a certain Role (but should not replace the drug).
Second, drink plenty of water.This can speed up blood circulation, promote toxins, reduce blood viscosity, prevent thrombosis.Also develop the habit of drinking tea, tea tea compounds with anti-aging, weight loss and lower blood pressure The effect, especially the effect of Pu'er tea is better, but do not drink tea.
Third, moderate physical exercise. Long-term adherence to exercise can speed up energy metabolism, making the use of carbohydrates and lipids are decomposed, thereby significantly reducing total cholesterol and bad cholesterol levels, to achieve the purpose of clearing the blood vessels. Insist on doing common endurance exercise Jogging, cycling, climbing, swimming, etc. can play a role in protecting the blood vessels.Motion to do according to one's ability, excessive physical activity may induce cardiopulmonary disease, especially in the past related history of the elderly should be more careful.
Fourth, to ensure adequate sleep, to maintain good emotions. The human body needs 'self-recovery', enough blood supply to the liver and other organs during sleep, can effectively handle the toxic products of body metabolism. Maintain a good mood, avoid irritability, but also reduce the burden on the blood vessels .
Experts remind that as soon as possible to establish awareness and action to protect blood vessels, can effectively prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.