From 40 aspects such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, commercialization of intellectual property rights, law enforcement, system efficiency, international treaties on accession and ratification, the intellectual property protection environment in 50 economies worldwide was evaluated on 40 indicators . The United States ranked the first in the world with 37.98 points for the sixth year in a row, but its lead over other countries further narrowed, only 0.01 points higher than that of the UK with the second highest rank and the ranking of patent indicators dropped by 2 places over the previous year , Ranking No. 12.
Among the eight broad categories of indicators, China ranks the top with systematic efficiency (No. 16) and patent-related rights and restrictions (No. 20). In the context of trademark rights and restrictions (No. 29) and intellectual property The ranking of the two categories in the law enforcement (No. 32) rankings has risen over the previous year.
In terms of patent indicators in particular, the score improved from 5.5 points in the previous year to 5.5 points (a total of 8 points), including the period of patent protection, the patentability of computer-related inventions, the legislative standards for patent products and technical compulsory licenses, Including the PPH cooperation mechanism, etc. The other eligibility indicators include the duration of trademark protection, the transparency of enforcement of customs intellectual property rights, cooperation in enforcement of intellectual property rights, education and training and awareness raising, And ratify international conventions such as the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
The report believes that China is making substantive progress in building an intellectual property environment for the 21st century. First, reform in the areas of patents and copyrights has strengthened the protection and enforcement effect. Second, governments at all levels and law enforcement agencies pay more attention to intellectual property Thirdly, the research institutes and individuals have significantly improved their awareness of and use of intellectual property rights. The report also pointed out that there are still some shortcomings in the construction of the intellectual property environment in China, including barriers to market access and commercialization of intellectual property rights.
In addition, the analysis found that the report shows strong appealing expression attributes.As the world's largest commercial alliance, the American Chamber of Commerce represents the interests of more than 3 million enterprises, chambers of commerce and industry associations nationwide, including a large number of large pharmaceutical companies, For example, the report considers that China has formulated and implemented policy documents on deepening the reform of the examination and approval system for drug reform, encouraging the innovation of medical devices for medicines, and expanding the scope of the drugs Measures such as the scope of protection of experimental data and other initiatives on China's index ranking rose has played an important role.