Stratasys, a maker of 3D printers, announced the Stratasys Objet 260, a new dental 3D printer that uses Polyjet triple jet technology to print three different materials on a single tray, allowing multiple applications to be created in a single 3D print job. Biocompatible materials MEDFLX625 and Pop-Out Part (PoP) technology two dental products. ![]() The Objet260 Dental 3D Printer can be used to make surgical guides, models, and other devices that can be manufactured in a single-material mode for 3D printers to reduce changeover times and reduce material waste. The Objet 260 also promises a more economical solution for midsize laboratories looking to expand services.The optional 'dental alternative' upgrade includes support for three conventional materials as well as special materials to replicate a range of gummy-like textures and natural tooth tones. In addition, the MEDFLX625 is a biocompatible material that allows dental and orthodontic laboratories to 3D print flexible and rigid biocompatible materials for direct print applications such as indirect adhesive trays such as surgical guides and soft-tissue transplant models PoP technology can also be used to help remove struts by manual stripping, which is particularly useful for mass production of invisible braces. Object260 3D Printer Specifications: Machine size: 870 x 735 x 1200mm; Print size: 255 x 252 x 200mm; Material cabinet size: 330 x 1170 x 640 mm; Layer thickness: 16 microns; Build resolution: 16 microns (high quality), 28 microns (high speed) Compatible Materials: VeroDent (MED670), VeroDentPlus (MED690), VeroGlaze (MED620), Clear Bio- compatible (MED610), VeroWhite and TangoPlus Support Materials: SUP706 and SUP705 Other materials (dental options upgrade): VeroYellow, VeroMagenta, TangoBlackPlus and digital materials. Source: 天工 社 |