Intel's dedicated graphics chip (GPU) dream Although it seems to be around nine years ago, Intel seems to have not given up yet. In November 2017, Raja Koduri, former GPU architect at AMD, was hired to show his intention to develop Since its own independent graphics solutions attempt, Intel recently in the 2018 International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) issued by the 14-nanometer manufacturing process prototype GPU prototype will be the world's attention, guess whether Intel is going to push their own independent GPU grab NVIDIA and AMD According to Wccftech, PC Gamer and TechRadar reported, but according to the latest Intel official statement pointed out that although Intel has the future in the GPU market competition plan, but Intel Labs (Intel Labs) in this ISSCC new GPU research report, not related to Intel's intention to enter the GPU market. Intel is investigating potential future circuit technologies that will improve the power and performance of Intel products. The research employs Intel's existing integrated GPU architecture, Gen 9 GPU, , Is only used as a proof of concept of these circuit technologies, and this prototype style is only a test version, not a new product. Even if Intel does With the above clarification, it is clear that Intel's future plans to invest in the GPU market have not changed, and Intel is demonstrating the level of power efficiency that the company can achieve for its Gen 9 GPUs. Although Intel is currently in the field of independent graphics card The market is clearly still not NVIDIA and AMD's rival, but Intel is not in this area as early as Wu Xia Amon.In this ISSCC, Intel revealed that its 14-nanometer GPU prototype style contains a total of 1.542 billion transistors within the distribution Built-in GPU and field programmable gate array (FPGA) in two chips.It is speculated that the built-in FPGA seems to show that the GPU prototype style may be developed for server and workstation applications, rather than for the game or cryptocurrency Mining market applications, but Intel has not disclosed the use of the GPU prototype-style locking.It is noteworthy that the Intel Gen 9 GPU and the company codenamed 'Ice Lake' 9th generation Core CPU architecture (CPU) Both are completely different chips.