The new Snapdragon 845 chip is a mobile processor that has been used in over 20 XR devices since last year's 835. XR refers to augmented reality, including AR, VR and mixed-reality technologies. Qualcomm will be showcasing the 845 platform at the Mobile World Congress next week in Barcelona, Spain.
The 845 platform will bring some much-needed improvements to mobile VR The Snapdragon 845 central processing unit (CPU) will be combined with the Adreno 630, a graphics processing subsystem that will make bigger and better mobile devices Virtual World The platform also includes sensors and cameras in the head mounted display that enable six degrees of freedom motion control, enabling simultaneous positioning and mapping to detect objects in the real world and avoiding them or integrating them into virtual Environment. SLAM will be wireless, eliminating the need for external sensors used by current VR devices.
The Qualcomm XR Reference Design is a prototype that includes the chips and everything else you need to build a complete VR or AR system. Brands and systems companies like Oculus and HTC can use these reference designs and build their own products around them. With up to 4 megapixel, the 845 chip offers up to 30% more graphics performance and 30% more power efficiency over the previous generation of chips, twice the display throughput, and Qualcomm now supports 2K per eye.