Berlin, Germany and Stuttgart - Bosch opens a new intelligent networking division that continues to drive business transformation into a provider of intelligent transportation services with more than 600 employees dedicated to the development and marketing of digital transportation services covering shared vehicles, Shared driving, and a range of connected services for drivers. "The interconnection will fundamentally change the way we travel and in the meantime it can help us solve all kinds of traffic problems we now face and thus achieve zero emissions Zero worry, and zero accident traffic. "Dr. Volkmar Dunner, Chairman of the Board of Bosch Group, said at the Bosch Internet of Things event in Berlin in 2018. The interconnected transportation has tremendous commercial potential and by 2025, With more than 470 million Connected Vehicles on the road (Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers) globally, the market for transport services and related digital services will reach EUR 140 billion in just four years (Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers) . "Connected driving is an important growth area for Bosch and we look forward to achieving two in the future with innovative solutions Number of business growth. "Bosch's new Intelligent Networking Group will further expand its existing service portfolio, such as sending wrong warnings to drivers or opening doors with smartphones, the latest of which comes from the Bosch acquisition In addition, Dr Dunnard also demonstrated at the conference in Berlin the system of electric transportation service system! E, which will further enhance the general public's awareness of electric Trip acceptance.
Bosch involved in sharing driving business
Shared driving is a growth market for connected transportation that covers online car use, car app, driving and taxi services, etc. By 2022, the number of shared riders worldwide will increase by 60% to 6.85 (Source: Statista) .But at present, most of these services for those who happened to be the same destination, or at the last minute booking travel users, but ignored the company staff and daily commuters.Recently, Bosch acquired a from the United States , A platform developed to help companies, universities or governments arrange shared carpooling for employees.This car software, called SPLT, brings together users who want to drive a car to the same job or place of study.The advantage of this software is that passengers Sharing a trip with a familiar colleague without worrying about getting on with a stranger In just a matter of seconds, the app can find the right riders through algorithms and calculate the fastest transit routes, , Departure and departure coordination, and best route planning, all of which have taken a long time in the past. Such sharing of driving services is of great importance to the development of a sustainable traffic ecology The system is very beneficial, but also play an important role in reducing traffic congestion Dr. Fang Mian Deng Canal, he said: 'Internet change not only the car itself, it is our way to travel'
Digital electric car service
Since 2016, the two-wheeled electric vehicle sharing service platform, Coup, has been officially launched in Berlin and is scheduled to be officially launched in Madrid this year after its successful landing in Paris last year. The number will rise to 3,500.Dr Dunard emphasized: "Digital services will further promote the development of electric mobility." In this IoT conference, Dr. Dunal also showcased on the scene one for the electric car Developed system that includes not only interconnected electrified powertrain components but also innovative service solutions, Bosch has successfully interconnected electric vehicle driving with Bosch Automotive Cloud Suite and is Committed to the development of this based on the interconnection services in the future, smart electric vehicles will be accurate access to battery energy consumption information, and to help owners find a timely charging pile.
Interconnect services eliminate mileage anxiety and encourage everyday use
For many car buyers, the ultimate reason to abandon the purchase of electric vehicles is often due to worry about driving a sudden depletion of electricity caused by the breakdown of the vehicle system! E is designed to solve this problem and designed to complete.Because the electric car driving and Cloud Interconnection, the system generates 'Extended Mileage Forecasts.' This algorithm takes into account vehicle data, such as current battery charge information, heating and air conditioning power consumption, driver's driving style, and vehicle perimeter information including current traffic conditions Based on this information, the system can accurately calculate the precise mileage of the vehicle.When the electric vehicle is in long-distance travel, 'charging assistant' may supplement the support of extended mileage forecasting function.Service system to know all the charging stations in a given journey From Munich to Hamburg, for example, it plans in advance the necessary stop-and-go charging points and manages payment, while additional information is provided as a reference, such as restaurants, cafes and shopping points, allowing the driver to flexibly charge Time to relax, and system! E also recharges vehicles in the smart home Line management to optimize energy use By integrating EVs with the smart home grid, vehicle batteries complement solar photovoltaic system solid state storage equipment, which absorbs additional solar energy during the day and supplies it to the house on demand at night "For Bosch, transportation is not just about the car itself." Bosch's expertise and experience in many areas gives us the unique advantage of being able to develop and manage ecosystems across application domains. "
3,500 attendees, 70 exhibitors and 140 speakers
In the eyes of Bosch, IOT more diverse, including the Internet traffic, Internet manufacturing, Internet energy systems and building solutions at this Bosch in Berlin, IoT Assembly, more than 70 exhibitors will show the moment The forefront of IoT applications and how they will improve people's daily lives in the future.About 3,000 square meters of exhibition in Berlin over 3,000 square meters, about 3,500 participants will be held February 21 to 22 for two days of exchange and conversation. About 140 speakers include Dr. Dieter Zetsche, CEO of Daimler, Dr. Frank Appel, CEO of Deutsche Post DHL, Johann Jungwirth, Chief Digital Officer, Volkswagen Group, etc. At the Hackathon, about 700 programmers, startup members and designers will come together to discuss topics such as Connected Transportation Services, Autopilot, Interconnection Manufacturing and Logistics, and Connected Living Topics Brainstorming. Bosch Internet of Things conference is the world's largest Internet of Things conference, this year will be the fifth.