Card to the place of explosion? To the parents phone to do the next major health care

New Year home, you are not also received complaints from parents: Quickly adjust the phone to me, the card was not! Power is also fast not! Cell phone took a look, the icon is flying, a bunch of do not need Of the software takes up a lot of storage and background space, the notification bar full of messages, mobile storage eye also have to be hold explosion. Do not nonsense, fast to my parents's cell phone big health ~

Card to the place of explosion? To the parents phone to do the next major health care

Before big health care, we must first talk about the good price - according to whether the mobile phone has the necessity of optimization and our own time, we can divide the general health care into the third gear:

98 yuan stalls : The phone card is not very serious, or the quality of the phone is too bad, so a big care of light enough. Of course, if it is the latter, the hope of health care is nothing to optimize the smooth and smooth. Nonsense, the Chinese New Year to buy a new mobile phone to parents ~

198 yuan stalls : Cell phone quality and brand reputation are not bad, if the phone more card, your time is not very abundant, then to a 198 yuan health care, does not guarantee special spirit, but also Shujin Tongluo ~

298 yuan stalls : Phone quality and brand reputation are not bad, your time is more abundant, then recommend a comprehensive in-depth big care, after reborn ~

Much nonsense, let's start great care ~

98 yuan a little press on the line of health care

Turn off the Bluetooth location information and other unused functions

First of all, first tidy the desktop first, taking into account the parents will not play the phone, the icons arranged in accordance with commonly used not often used to place the unwanted software used to unload parents, the useless message push set off, the desktop Will instantly refresh a lot. In addition, do not forget to turn off the use of functions, such as Bluetooth, positioning and so on.

Cheetah cleaning master

And then began to clean up trash.Now major brands of mobile phones, usually with their own mobile phone housekeeper system software, with this will be able to achieve good garbage clean-up effect.If not, then you can use third-party clean-up software, such as mobile phone housekeeper, Cheetah Cleaner and so on.

It should be noted that, after cleaning up the garbage, it is best to uninstall these third-party security cleaning software because now the smart phone will usually bring their own security software, use this is enough. Third-party security software will not only have more notice And push, but also take up a lot of mobile memory.Handful third-party security software can indeed regulate the phone system to a certain extent, but in essence little effect, but more power.

After doing these, clean up the background, restart the phone.

This article belongs to the original article, if reprinted, please indicate the source: the card to the place of explosion? To the parents mobile phone to do the second largest care

198 yuan a little health care can be more enjoyable

After doing 98 large health care system operation or Kaka? Phone storage is still no space? Do not worry, we continue to optimize.

Clean up unused files

Just now we have cleaned up the phone with trash cleaning software, and now do not have the installation package, no folder has been cleaned up.But the storage space is still relatively tight, then we need to clean up the extra storage files, such as the duplicate photo delete Out, delete some of the local video seen.

WeChat data cleaning

WeChat QQ and other social software over time, it will save a lot of chat data.After confirming with parents, you can clean the corresponding chat files.General options for cleaning data can be found in the software settings.

If the storage is not enough, then take a look at the phone does not support storage expansion, buy a 32GB memory card can not spend much money.And then let the phone installed in mobile phone applications, application data saved to the memory card.

Turn off automatic updates Open the update package cleanup

In addition, many mobile phone software will automatically update the default WiFi environment, comes with the application store will automatically update the switch.We are best to set these to the closed state, and open the installation package to remove the option.Because the software May update the hardware requirements of the higher, for some backward configuration of the phone, do not update the software but actually some.

General large manufacturers of mobile phone system maintenance are more in place, so look at the phone system has not updated.If the phone hardware enough to see, the new system's reputation is not bad, then it is recommended to upgrade the system.

298 yuan health has to start and then ruthless and accurate

If done above optimization, the phone card, is it not saved? Not necessarily, but also can be further saved. Let the phone get rid of the bone reborn is to restore the factory settings and re-brush into the system.

These two solutions to some extent, can make certain problems recover from the beginning of the system, but the problem is that the data inside the phone will be cleaned up. So we first do a good job of mobile data backup. We can find the mobile phone system is not built Backup function.If there is a backup function, you can first local backup, such as Meizu's Flyme backup contacts, SMS, notes, applications, photos and a series of data, the backup is saved in a specific folder, export the folder To the computer to the next step.

Baidu cloud disk backup network

Large manufacturers of mobile phones generally have the cloud backup function, you can back up contacts, SMS, notes, settings and other data occupy little space.No can download a Baidu network disk, through the Baidu network disk can back up a variety of mobile phone data. With video and large files, if you do not want to spend money to buy a member, and the network is not in good condition, then directly use the data cable to export videos, photos, etc. to your computer.

Do a good job of data backup, you can start to restore the factory settings or re-brush the system. For a system update, it is recommended to download a complete system package. Now the mainstream mobile phone brush machine is not difficult, the general brush card package placed directly to the root directory , Through some simple operation can be. After the system is reloaded successfully, the backup data is imported on the line.

Common system comes with cloud backup function

In general, if it is heavy brush system, it is recommended that the application software to download again, only to restore contacts, text messages, photos, etc. After the backup process, the application data may be damaged. Heavy equipment should not be too troublesome.

Of course, after doing all this, do not forget to set the previously mentioned are done.And according to the best parents to use habits to set, the commonly used applications, mode of operation and so on, to avoid bringing new parents Learning costs.

Write in the end

If these have not let my mother's cell phone smooth, it shows that the phone can be retired.If you want to buy a new phone to parents, it is recommended to buy domestic brands of smart machines, the follow-up support for these phones will be relatively secure, And local optimization will be more friendly.

This article belongs to the original article, if reprinted, please indicate the source: the card to the place of explosion? To the parents mobile phone to do the second largest care true report 2517 198 yuan a little bit more health care to be more enjoyable After doing 98 large health care system operation or Kaka? Phone storage or space? Do not worry, we continue to optimize. Clean up unnecessary files Just now we have to use clean-up software to clean up Mobile phones, now do not have the installation package, no folders have been cleaned up, but the storage space is still relatively tight, then we need to ...
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