Or officially unveiled MWC2018 show | Asus ZenFone 5 flagship news and then exposed

Another week's time will welcome the opening of the MWC2018 show, then it is believed to be a gathering of feats. Of course, the figure of smartphones is obviously essential, and some domestic mobile phone brands will also make heavy appearances.

At the end of last month, ASUS announced that it will officially participate in the MWC2018 in Barcelona, ​​Spain, as well as launching the new ZenFone 5 series, including the new ZenFone 5 and ZenFone 5 Lite models In addition, recently also exposed a new model Asus ZenFone 5 series of new machines, that is, in the safety rabbit running sub-test software Z01RD. As for this new model will also debut at the MWC2018 release , not sure yet.

However, the Snapdragon 845 processor equipped, there is no doubt that is a flagship model.In addition, ASUS Z01RD pre-installed Android 8.0.0 system, coupled with Adreno 630 GPU, and 6G memory + 32G capacity combination, And the screen resolution is 2246 * 1080 · Security Bunny running points in more than 230,000, be snapdragon 845 processor standard, after all, there are some equipped with Snapdragon 845 processor mobile phone running sub-exposure is to go directly 26 million points or more!

So, to be sure, the Asus ZenFone 5 and ZenFone 5 Lite are released at the show, but the ASUS Z01RD is not guaranteed.

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