The Indian Competition Commission (CCI), India's antitrust watchdog, recently imposed a fine of 1.36 billion rupees ($ 21.17 million) on Google because of the obvious "search bias" Google has on Google.
This fine was the result of a survey that began in 2012, based on complaints filed by the Marriage Referral Service Bharat Matrimony and the Nonprofit Consumers Association for Solidarity and Trust.
CCI said in a written statement that 'Google's search bias can hurt competitors and users to varying degrees,' as exemplified by Google's prominent position in air travel search results.
CCI considers Google a major search engine in India, which is undoubtedly of great benefit to promoting its own services and gaining market share.
Google has a different view, they think the idea of the CCI is too narrow.Google spokesman said: 'CCI has confirmed that, in fact, most of its review of our behavior in line with India's competition law.'
The fines are based on Google's average annual income in India of five percent, meanwhile, CCI said it would give Google 60 days to pay the fines.