In 2015, Google announced that it would release TensorFlow, an internal tool for developing AI algorithms, which will change the direction of AI research and development around the world. In Google's CEO's words, the influence of AI technology may be as profound as electricity, and Google provides The tools are open, free, and the threshold for getting started with AI is also reduced from a doctorate to just one laptop.
But the power of TensorFlow is now beyond Google's control. For more than two years, academia and Silicon Valley have used TensorFlow to create a number of compelling results, but the anonymous Reddit forum user deepfakes is the latest focus.
Deepfakes builds on the AI software to almost seamlessly sew any facial image into a movie, and you can easily imagine what it would be doing. "Motherboard reports that the software was used to put any A person's face (such as a female celebrity or a face friend) puts on a porn actress's body.
After "Motherboard" first disclosed the news, Deepfakes created its own subreddit and accumulated more than 91,000 subscribers.Another Reddit user, deepfakeapp, also released a tool called FakeApp that anyone can download and use for their own AI software. Currently Reddit has banned the community on the grounds that it violates the website for non-voluntary sex norms.
Based on FakeApp's user guide, the software was built on TensorFlow, a Google employee who used TensorFlow to do something similar with a slightly different set-up and theme, and a training algorithm to create an image from graffiti, Deepfakes said Many fun uses, such as putting Nicolas Cage's face in a variety of movies, but we know that the 91,000 players who subscribed to this forum are for A movie.
TensorFlow This open-source resource brings many useful human results, such as the possible detection of cancer algorithms, the presence of FakeApp represents the dark side of the open source.
Google (and Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook) are a lot of technology, open to the world, now anyone can download AI software, experiment, create, which means you can fake political speeches (using a sound like AI ), Can also produce false retaliatory sex videos.All digital media are a series of 1 and 0, AI can be cleverly arranged to produce something that did not exist.
Because the software works directly on a single computer, big tech companies lose control as the software leaves the server, and the dogma of open-source ideas also means that these companies need not feel guilty or blamed for the consequences.
A storm for face is not enough to change the status quo, because free software is a good business for these companies, so that more people to develop AI. Every large technology companies are plunged into the fight for AI talent as much as possible, the more The better the influx of people into the field, the free labs write code, inspire new products, help pinpoint bugs, fix programs, and universities train college and graduate students to use the software to provide a good pipeline to increase familiarity with in-house tools New talent
Mazin Gilbert, vice president of advanced technology at AT & T, said: "Everyone has been talking about a big breakthrough in machine learning in the past five years. But the real big breakthrough is not an algorithm. Actually, the algorithm is basically the same as the 1970s and 1980s. It is open source. "
"Open source has reduced the barriers to entry, so it's not IBM, but Google and Facebook at the moment."
As public opinion attaches importance to AI's development ethics, the issue of open source software is also complicated by the fact that Google's current tools are not intended to create the terrorist threat of the Devil Terminator's Skynet, but can still cause real harm. Businesses that offer open source AI frameworks, such as Google and Microsoft, have been shouting the importance of AI ethics and letting scientists work on them, but these companies do not offer any guidelines for downloading free software. There are no ethically relevant guides like the TensorFlow website Description.
Let AI no longer open source does not seem to be the ideal solution, ArXiv, Github and other sites to share information for free, on behalf of stakeholders can identify potential pitfalls and demands accountability. As the core technology developers will not be willing to face For example, Gfycat removes all GIFs from deepfakes, Reddit forbids it, and PornHub says that if similar videos are found, it will be deleted, but The site still exists outside of major social platforms.
A face-changing film not only harmed the face-changing actress, but also belittled the professional work of actress A, treating them as "replaceable" and disseminating them without their knowledge, disagreement or control Manipulation; This technology can be applied to celebrities, of course, some people will inevitably be used in the general population, such as classmates, colleagues, children, classmates, ex-girlfriend, as a means of retaliatory sex, sexual harassment will be Into the golden age, as long as any woman was shot too many photos have suspicion, not to mention the photos uploaded to the community website more time thinking about permissions issues.