Virtual currency tycoon wealth to know how many "Forbes" is announced

Not familiar with the virtual currency people may not have heard of the name, but in the Forbes latest wealth list: virtual currency richest man rankings, Zhao Changpeng ranked third.

The Forbes cover story, which will be available on February 28, takes a photo of his picture with the words next to zero to billions, six months. "Zhao Changpeng put the cover of the magazine on his Twitter Page.

This is the world's first rich currency list released on the Forbes website on February 6. Cryptocurrency translates to cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency, etc. The best known is bitcoin.

Randall Lane, chief executive of Forbes magazine, explains why such a wealth list has been saved for the fictitious currency in order to push hundreds of millions of dollars of wealth out of shady sneak peeks As part of a financial investment that is openly operated in the sun.

Zhao Changpeng, 41, is chief executive of the cryptocurrency trading platform Binance, estimating his net worth of personal cryptocurrency to be between $ 1.1 billion and $ 2 billion.

In less than seven months, he changed from zero to the largest cryptocurrency trading platform in the world with 6 million subscribers. In response to regulatory measures that could potentially be derogatory, the operating division In 3 countries.

Zhao Changpeng's Twitter account, his country is Sweden.

Song Chi-hyung, founder of Upbit, one of South Korea's largest bitcoin exchanges, ranked 10th in the Forbes first installment of virtual currency and one of only two Asians .

Forbes publishes the story of every rich on the Web.

Secret kingdom

Bitcoin's vigorous opening of the windows of the secretive kingdom of virtual currency pushed the virtual currency into the sight of fictitious currency and financial investors.

The world is fictitious, chaotic and inhomogeneous, with no berthing marks; the fictitious currency at the turn of the millennium is labeled with various labels for its 'niche' and covert nature: utopian, liberal, anarchist, anti-establishment Like the early gold rushrs, the advent of the virtual currency world drew many adventurers to exploit and occupy. Network punkers, miners, Silicon Valley financiers, Investors', various.

In the generation, use and trading of cryptocurrencies, many people flourish overnight, and various controversies continue to emerge around bitcoin.

Governments and financial and monetary authorities have different positions on crypto-currency issues.

Even the most consistent fan of cryptocurrencies, privately admit that it is muddy water in the trip, the password currency starting, 95% is not fooled is a fraud, or even worse.


However, Forbes magazine chief Randall Lane argues that there is a pressing need for transparency in the virtual currency to move itself out of haze, once a favorite currency for traffickers, into adolescence and into healthy development Into a class of legitimate assets of the road, but the process of one of the most crucial elements of transparency.

"Our leaderboard is a crucial moment," he said, marking the moment when the virtual currency transitioned from an early, chaotic chaos to adolescence.

He said it is an indisputable fact that no matter what form it appears, the financial system that enabled blockchain technology has become a part of the financial world.

In his' Chief Editor's Message 'on the richest ruling list of the first virtual currency, he predicted:' Just as in the dot-com bubble of 1999, many billionaires in the virtual currency surge someday will go bankrupt when the bubble burst, but others Will come back to life and copy magic like eBay or Google. '

This chart may reflect the chaos and volatility of the virtual currency world.

2017: The Year of Bitcoin Soaring

Forbes posted on LinkedIn explaining why this list is based: holding estimates of virtual currency amounts (some providing evidence), after-tax profits on the trading of assets and encrypted shares, The data will be locked on January 19, 2018.

It is inevitable that there will be omissions in admitting this list, and the estimates on the list may be quite different from their actual values. But the same is true when we first released Forbes magazine in its list of the 400 richest Americans in 1982.

The journey of thousands of miles begins with a single step, and in one criticism and negative tone, the wealth list and the richest man list have grown countercurrently, not only for Forbes but also for other similar major charts.

As for the virtual currency kingdom, the birth and death of hundreds of millions of dollars of wealth, "Forbes" article said, 'absolutely not allow such an equivalent wealth to sneak in the shadows'.

Forbes, the editor-in-chief of Forbes, revealed that 10 people, with 10 billion U.S. dollars in virtual currency wealth, are moving toward the $ 1 billion mark, and Forbes has been in conversation with everyone on the richest man in the first stage.

Critics argue that bitcoin is going through a process similar to the internet bubble, while others say it is up because bitcoin is entering the mainstream financial markets.

In a 'Message from the Editor', he introduced a conversation with Joe Lubin, second in the rankings, to answer many common questions: the accuracy of the data and the likely openness of wealth To the security risks.

The former is a technical issue and Forbes has 36 years of experience; the latter, according to Ryan, does not pose a problem in the article because anyone who can be on the richest man list can and has been taken to guard against hackers and rogue thieves Full safety precautions.

Rubin founded Consensys Corporation to provide blockchain technology services to enterprises to help launch the Etherum platform-based products.Rubin is also a co-founder of Etherum, a company that attracted a lot of attention at this year's Davos World Economic Forum.

The key, Ryan said, is that cryptographers like Rubin admit that it's important to have such a leaderboard.

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