You Yan, vice president of ZTE, said ZTE believes that the intelligent network is the future trend of development, network operation and operation and maintenance model will undergo a fundamental change in the future, from the current people-driven model of people-based, and gradually self-driven network-based The evolution of the autonomous model.An intelligent network will be through the network data, business data, user data and other multi-dimensional data perception, based on big data, big calculation and big algorithm three basic capabilities to achieve a high degree of autonomy.
ZTE is closely watching the evolution of telecom operators' digital transformation and network intelligence. Based on the uSmart I nsight platform, ZTE Corporation offers a full range of big data, big power and big algorithm capabilities to help telecom operators build a future-oriented Intelligent Network. "You Yan said that in the field of artificial intelligence, ZTE Corporation has carried out in-depth cooperation with dozens of operators and partners in the world to jointly explore and promote the application, sharing and popularization of artificial intelligence + network.