Softbank said it began preparations for an IPO for its mobile communications unit, which disclosed last month that it is considering allowing its telecom unit to conduct an IPO, hoping to raise $ 18bn ($ 112.6bn) through IPO.
For a long time, Softbank has relied on its domestic telecommunications business, which accounts for one-third of the company's total sales but accounts for two-thirds of the company's total profits.
According to Thomson Reuters, Softbank founder and chief executive Son Chung-yi founded the $ 93 billion Vision Fund, the world's largest private equity fund, which has raised interest rates since its inception in 2016 Global start-ups injected more than $ 9 billion in capital.
Separately, the company said last Wednesday that third-quarter operating profit fell 2.8%, in part because of higher costs, and the company did not release forecasts for the current fiscal year, saying there was too much uncertainty.