Google's self-driving subsidiary Waymo sued Uber allegedly stealing the former self-driving secret, the two sides at the same time, Google's 2015-2016 internal letters also revealed that as early as 2015, Google worried about their fear of losing the car market Leading Edge According to Bloomberg, despite Google's development of the Chauffeur self-driving system back in 2009, Google's management was worried a few years ago when Uber and other rivals were behind the self-driving market. Chris Urmson, Google's departing chief executive, wrote to Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin in February 2015 about Google's self-drive car market surpassing Uber's. Urmson wrote Letter and Brin The founder added more hiring talent, though the company missed the opportunity to recruit new blood at that time, and another e-mail that came out in November 2015 said Google management was concerned about the departure of Anthony Levandowski. The letter from Astro Teller to John Krafcik, the new self-driving superintendent, points out that Page for Levandowski is giving in to a rival And Levandowski was worried about Google's rapid loss of technological advantage by emailing and Page before leaving in January 2016. Levandowski also thinks Krafcik is too focused on reaching an agreement with Ford. However, Waymo and Ford did not recognize any agreement between the two, and Levandowski left Google after 18 days by e-mail, saying Google's chief of human resources revealed that Page was unhappy with Levandowski's resignation and fears Levandowski's new venture After Urmson left Google in August 2016, Bloomberg also reported the same month that Uber acquired Otto, a startup founded by Levandowski, and Dmitri Dolgov, Waymo's senior director, in 2016 August 19 internal documents pointed out that the merger of Otto and Uber will likely reduce Google's visibility in the market.In addition to Uber this menacing opponent, Dolgov also think the mainland Baidu, dribbling, Lyft and other car manufacturers Have entered the self-driving market, will make Google's self-driving career more competitive.