According to reports from China Business Network, the departing employees who were owed remuneration by Music Entertainment recently received a phone call from the court.
Before the music staff said, 'The court to communicate with us, in accordance with the arrears of wages to pay 50% of the wages owed, the remaining do not give, equal to the close of the program we can agree with or disagree, but first agree with the people, You can get the arrears first.
Mr. Wang continued: "How much music has been raised for the purpose of resolving defaults is still not clear to the court, but it will be ranked according to the order of filing, which means that the wages will be given years ago and the money will be enough If you have enough money, send it to anyone who is.
LeTV officials said: 'With regard to the plan for the distribution of wages and compensation for the departing employees, the current non-listed debts group and government departments and other relevant departments have been in close communication until the program is confirmed and will be announced to the public.'
In the first half of this year, Mr. Wang, who was interviewed, applied for legal arbitration at the arbitration agency. Although Leet agreed to the arbitration results, he was unable to enforce the law, and Wang, like many former LeTV employees, applied to the court for enforcement. The court's telephone number shows that at present only wages owed can be paid in arrears up to 50% of the pay judgment.
Those who did not go to the court to apply for 'enforcement' could not even receive 50% of the pay arrears. "Mr Tien went one step less and took an arbitration tribunal to the court to apply for enforcement. Therefore, only 50 % Of the solutions, Mr. Tian's name is not among them.