British media said Erik Solheim, UNEP's Executive Director, said on the 29th that China's fight against the import of plastic rubbish should be a signal to rich countries to step up recovery and reduce non-essential products such as plastic straw.
According to a Reuters report on January 29, China is the major recipient country for more than half of plastic waste exports in western countries. Since China banned the import of 'foreign garbage' including some levels of plastic and paper waste, some western ports have already accumulated a large amount of waste Solheim, a former Norwegian minister for environment, called for developed countries to reconsider the use of plastic after the Chinese restrictions came into effect this month, not just simply thinking of dumping overseas, saying: 'I heard Europeans right Some of China's decisions complain that we should regard this decision as a benefit to the Chinese people and a wake-up call to the rest of the world. '
He said that 'there are many products we do not need', the most typical example is the plastic particles, this material is mostly used in facial scrubs and other cosmetics or toothpaste abrasive, but the global oceans, rivers and lakes are Pollution Solheim agrees with the ban on the use of plastic particulates, the United States passed a law banning the use of plastic particulates in 2015, and a similar law in the United Kingdom came into effect this month.
There are also straws, he said: 'The average American consumes 600 straw per year and produces a lot of plastic garbage, and everyone can drink from a cup or bottle.' He suggested that restaurants and bars could post 'if you There really is a need for a straw, we can provide that kind of illustration, and some companies have reduced the use of straw.
Solheim said companies, including Coca-Cola, Nestle and Danone, are taking steps to increase recycling rates of plastic products or switch to biodegradable packaging - which Kenya has banned from using plastic bags, but said "this issue Very serious, the government and business need to make greater efforts.
He said that, he said, all countries are responsible for handling the waste produced in their own country much better than looking for new trash exporters. "He added that after China promulgated the ban," emerging countries such as India and Vietnam are not clearly indicating Willing to take over these wastes.