When Samsung introduced its Galaxy S8 line of flagship handsets last year, it also introduced a docking station called DeX. When the S8 connects to the docking station, it can be turned into a micro-PC that outputs something like Chrome OS on the connected external monitor Desktop environment. According to the latest broke the news, Galaxy S9 conference at the end of this month, Samsung will release a new generation of DeX docking station.
Earlier in the day, the revered Great God Evan Blass draped out the renderings of the second-generation DeX docking station, revealing that the second-generation docking station would be called the 'DeX Pad.' It is not hard to understand why the new Dex Pad Generation called Pad, because the phone is flat on the docking station, rather than as the original product as the vertical connection.
Compared to the original DeX docking station, DeX Pad has the advantage of taking full advantage of the phone's screen because the phone screen can be used as a touch pad, or enter the keyboard, which to a certain extent reduced the mouse and keyboard And other peripherals to make mobile work easier, but it's not yet clear if Samsung will replace the original DeX Station with a DeX Pod.
Samsung will release Galaxy S9 / S9 + on February 25, when Samsung should spend some time talking about this DeX Pad.