Next Monday, February 12, AMD will release the new desktop Ryzen APU, based on the 14nm process and the Zen + Vega architecture, and in April we will see the second generation Ryzen CPU based on the 12nm process and the Zen + architecture, named All Ryzen 2000 series.
Although there will be new X470 motherboards at the same time, AMD will continue to use AM4 as a separate interface, so the new and old platforms can be fully compatible with each other, just refresh the BIOS.
Right now, the major motherboard manufacturers are also preparing a new BIOS, and have been released, ASRock for its 300 series motherboards, released a new version of BIOS support Ryzen 2000 series.
In addition to the top X370 Taichi, the Fatal1ty X370 BIOS update is still in preparation and will not be available until February 9th. Other existing X370, B350, and A320 motherboards have been upgraded for a total of 15 models.
In addition, in order to achieve unification and facilitate user identification, any motherboard that supports the Ryzen 2000 series will come with a "AMD Ryzen Desktop 2000 Ready 'Small label means it can support the new U without refreshing the BIOS.