Device replacement can also be achieved through the development of high-temperature application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) or specialized circuit boards thanks to CISSOID's own powerful silicon intellectual property (IP) and product portfolio that includes voltage reference sources, Amplifiers, comparators, timers, pulse width modulation (PWM) controllers, DC-DC converters, gate drivers and silicon carbide (SiC) power modules.
'We are pleased to support Honeywell's customers in implementing CISSOID solutions for the migration of their high-temperature designs, eliminating the hassle associated with discontinuing products after the final order,' said Dave Hutton, chief executive officer of CISSOID: 'Customers can also Get even more benefits from them, including our high-reliability components and our extensive expertise in designing high-temperature modules and systems for the long term that we've been designing for decades. "
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CISSOID, a leader in high-temperature semiconductor solutions, offers standard and custom solutions for power management, power conversion and signal conditioning in extreme temperature and harsh environments. CISSOID products are reliable and can operate from -55 to 225 ° C even beyond Operating at this temperature range, performance is unaffected, both at the lowest point of the low temperature zone and at the highest point of the high temperature zone.
CISSOID products operate in lighter, compact, and naturally cooled electronic systems at lower ambient temperatures but with power-hungry chips or at high temperature, saving energy, costs and weight. CISSOID Products for mission-critical systems and applications that require long-term reliability CISSOID provides leading products for the oil and gas, aerospace, industrial and automotive markets.