PC system components, the motherboard is the foundation, but in 2017 CPU processor competition restart, the graphics card hot prices out of stock, the memory prices soared all the way, the strong demand for SSD solid state drives is extremely bleak.
According to Bo board hall statistics, Total shipments of all brand motherboards in China in 2017 were only about 22.5 million units, a loss of as much as 22.4% from the 29 million units in 2016.
In fact, from March 2016 onwards, the motherboard shipments fell even the month, there is no sign of recovery.
Brand, Asus, Gigabyte as the two giants, motherboard shipments have plummeted 30%, a slightly more than 7 million, a less than 6 million, the total market share also dropped to less than 60%.
Rainbow declined slightly to third place, MSI is the only contrarian rose occupy the fourth , Followed by the Somerset, Biostar, MAXSUN, Onda.
As of 2018, the motherboard industry is still not optimistic, but the decline should have slowed down.