Microsoft Launcher new release: Microsoft Xiao Na want to play your phone

In October 2017, Microsoft changed its name again and renamed the Arrow Launcher for the Microsoft Garage project to Microsoft Launcher, along with Fluent Design for Windows 10.

Recently, Microsoft Launcher ushered in a version update, the version number to upgrade to v4.6.

In the new version, Microsoft's small Na formally settled into the 'mobile phone desktop', you can call on the phone to make Xiaona call you, change wallpaper, in addition to open the phone through your computer or read the latest news, etc. Simply put That is, under your instruction, Hana can play with your phone.

With Microsoft Launcher, productivity gains make it easy for users to access personal highlights, popular applications, and more on your desktop and seamlessly sync photos, files, and information with your Windows 10 PC and Android phones.

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