It is learned that, taking into account the negative public opinion still exists, Samsung decided not to publish a formal position.

At present, Li Zhaor in probation period, combined with his position earlier, is expected to be compared to the group activities, Li Zairong will be more committed to the business of Samsung Electronics, reducing the scope of activities.
According to South Korean economic circles, Li Zaixin's probation and probation will be helpful to the economic development of the country, but civic groups said that this is a preferential treatment given to zaibatsu and is also a typical case of "money and innocence."
Local time on February 5, South Korea's High Court in Lee on the case involved in Li Rong ruling, sentenced Li for 2 years and 6 months, suspended for 4 years.
The court held that Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Cui shun-shih's daughter Zheng Zheng sponsored and provided equestrian training constitutes a bribery, so maintain the first instance ruling.However, prior to illegal sponsor Cui Shushe Korea Winter Sports Center of excellence, transfer of assets and other allegations of alienation in the second instance verdict Be overthrown
The court also found it hard to consider Samsung's 20.4 billion won (about 120 million yuan) contribution from Mir and K Sports Consortium as a bribe, but found Li Cui and Li Cheng aware of the existence of Cui Shishui and Zheng, Therefore, perjury was established.
In addition, the verdict of the first instance also found that there was "collusion between the government and businessmen" in the case, but in the second instance, the court found it difficult to find the traces of "collusion between the businessmen and businessmen." The court ruled that the heart of the case was that former President Park Geun- Bribery and Cui Shun real interests, Lee was forced by both pressure 'passive bribe'.
Korean media reported that the court said Lee A-rong has returned all the amount of corruption convicted in the first instance as well as the main reason for his remission in the second instance.