Vaginitis is not a 'patent' of young women, the prevalence of postmenopausal is also very high, known as senile vaginitis, referred to as 'vulvitis.' Why is vaginitis 'eating the old', no sexual life why Obsolete vaginitis, vaginal dryness, painful sexual intercourse is also the performance of the old inflammation?
Vaginitis occurs after the age of 60. Females due to ovarian failure after menopause, decreased estrogen, vaginal mucosal atrophy, thinning of the vaginal wall, the body's ability to self-defense decreased significantly when the whole body resistance or vulva is not clean, Bacterial invasion of sexual life, it is easy to cause infection, suffering from vulvarium inflammation.
Love is clean is a good thing, but over-cleaning but will provoke the old Yin. The elderly female genital skin began to shrink, more dry, so do not use disinfectant to sterilize the soap or a variety of liquid cleaning.
In addition, older women should learn to distinguish between senile vaginitis and senile urethritis.The former is manifested as secretions increased, the texture is thin, light yellow, smelly, genital itching, burning, pain during sex.The latter is the performance Urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria.