As the news of serious virtual currencies spread in various countries, coupled with man-made manipulation of bitcoin prices and the collapse of investor confidence, the recent bit-price of bitcoin continued to hit the bottom. After breaking the threshold of 8,000 dollars on Friday, it plunged 16.28% Came to 7614 US dollars this week, the cumulative plunge of 30%, and December 18 last year hit a high price of 19,800 US dollars compared to a decline of up to 61%.
According to the U.S. financial media, Robinie pointed out that Bitcoin is "the biggest bubble in human history" that is going to burst. He added that the fundamental value of Bitcoin is zero and is essentially the "largest Ponzi scheme" in history.
At present, in addition to the United States, Britain, South Korea, China and India and other governments intend to strengthen supervision, the Japanese virtual currency exchange Coincheck on the 26th was hacked last month, stole $ 530 million worth of cryptocurrencies "new money", investors Concerned about the imaginary currency prices suspected of artificial manipulation, and even Facebook also prohibit encrypted currency ads, dragged the virtual currency goodbye blood washing sell.
BitcoinDesk coindesk trading platform, bitcoin since the intraday low of $ 7,699 rebounded, as at 10:07 on the 3rd stopped at 8,635.35 US dollars, down 2.18%.