Intel's chip technology is now up and running to meet Apple's performance needs, and Intel's baseband chips now support both CDMA2000 and dual card dual standby, and Intel is also offering more competitive prices.
Guo Mingchi also pointed out that the ongoing legal battle between Apple and Qualcomm is also one of the major reasons leading Apple to abandon Qualcomm.Iphone baseband chip completely by Intel foundry can make Qualcomm to reduce the negotiating position by allocating orders to the 2018 new iPhone and the future Of the equipment, Apple will exert pressure on already troubled Qualcomm, because Apple decided to stop paying royalties until the legal dispute was resolved.
In order to prevent a substantial decline in orders, Guo Mingchi mentioned Qualcomm is actively negotiating with Chinese smartphone makers in the quarterly earnings last week, due to Apple's decision to refuse to pay royalties, Qualcomm's operating profit fell as high as 96%.