Microsoft has now begun accepting developers to submit applications for Windows 10 on ARM to the Microsoft Store and will be available for download in the coming weeks.

Microsoft also specifically released development guidelines and instructions, emphasizing that new applications should be optimized for as many architectures as possible to run seamlessly on all Windows 10 devices.
Now, Windows 10 supports x86 32-bit, x64 64-bit, ARM three different architectures, the device is also divided into Windows 10 Desktop desktop notebook, Windows 10 Mobile smart phone, Windows 10 Xbox game console, Windows 10 Team Surface Hub, Windows 10 Holographic augmented reality glasses and other different platforms, so when developers submit applications, but also pay attention to select the scope of support.
Users in the future can also be based on platform support logo, to choose to download for their own applications.

Among them, x86, ARM UWP common applications support ARM devices, ARM applications can also be common on Windows 10 phones (although no sense), but x64 applications do not support ARM devices.

Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo and Asus have already released the first Snapdragon 835 Win10 PCs and devices based on the Intel platform that integrate Intel 4G baseband and are called All-Connected PCs (ACPC), and later this year we'll see Xiao Xiao Dragon 845 Win10 PC.