More meat on the stomach, often because of the following reasons:

1, on the age
Although I do not want to admit, but the body metabolism has decreased significantly since the age of 25. With the reduction of metabolism, the body needs to start to reduce the heat, it is easy to cause the body's excess calories do not go out, Which accumulate in the abdomen to form fat, especially in some women during menopause is more likely to accumulate fat in the abdomen.
2, the exercise is not correct
Speaking of exercise to lose weight, I believe most of the girls will choose to run, brisk walking, swimming, etc., these aerobic exercise for weight loss, although there are some benefits, but you want to rely on aerobic exercise to the thin abdomen or some difficulties.
Want to shape or need to combine some strength training, such as curling or flat support and so on.
3, eat too much deep-processed food
Usually like to eat bread, drinks, chips and so on these processed foods, these foods are generally more additives, heavy salt, heavy sugar, often lead to the accumulation of abdominal fat, it is recommended that everyone in daily life can Eat less of these foods, eat more vegetables, fruits and cereals, these foods can effectively inhibit abdominal fat accumulation.

4, long-term sedentary
Many white-collar workers sitting in the office every day before going to do 9 hours, long-term sedentary coupled with exercise intensity is not enough, lunch and computer in front of the solution, eat and sit did not get up and walk, it is easy to appear abdominal accumulation of fat.
5, exercise intensity is not enough
High-intensity exercise people fat loss effect is certainly faster than low-intensity exercise, aerobic exercise want to achieve weight loss will require, exercise heart rate should be enough, aerobic exercise is characterized by long-lasting strong exercise, So exercise time must be more than 45 minutes to lose weight.
How to correct thin stomach?
There are enough dietary fiber
Studies have shown that giving you 10 grams per day of soluble dietary fiber helps to reduce belly fat .Because of the need for a reasonable control of appetite, and we usually eat fine food can not maintain a long time fullness, is not conducive to us Control appetite well.

In order to reduce stomach faster, we can eat some coarse grains (bean beans, corn, etc.), which contain some dietary fiber and are good for the intestine while maintaining a longer period of fullness. There are Benefit from rapid thin stomach.
Long jogging or swimming the next day
Jogging is a more moderate aerobic exercise, about 3 times a week long jogging (you can regardless of speed, running full 1 hour) can effectively thin skin.
Slightly larger body weight base, choose to swim thin stomach than running thin, better because it is easier to stick with it.
Massage thin belly
In addition to a strict diet and running to be able to lose weight, the massage is also a good way to lose weight.
Practices: two palms stacked, with the palm of your hand massage the abdomen rotation, from the heart socket, down to the pubic bone, the positive and negative of the 30 laps, the abdomen gradually to fever for the degree.Press, if you feel a hard site, may be stool Where to stay, then rub gently massage, not too much force.This method can ease constipation and have a certain effect on the rapid thin stomach.