In the artificial intelligence television, television in the end what will become? First to see a video for quick:
Click on the picture to watch the videoThis is the January 31 Hisense officially released in Beijing VIDAA AI artificial intelligence television system, is unique in that Full Scene Live Image Search and Full Scene Voice Interactive design of two artificial intelligence innovation, so that television open up the user life circle, a full coverage of the user life scene assistant.
for Hisense VIDAA AI launched the whole scene real-time image search technology, is the first case of the industry , Is a faster human-computer interaction design than voice.

When the TV plays the screen, press the remote control 'small poly' key, the screen automatically open screen shot sharing and image recognition, the information search supports 20000+ stars, 1000+ TV station level and 4 levels of complexity of two-dimensional code recognition, Item recognition accuracy of up to 99% during the World Cup VIDAA AI will also increase the sports star search capabilities.At the time, the user can watch the World Cup not only a key search for player information, you can also enjoy the relevant players information, the same paragraph shopping and other scenes Search service.

In addition, Hisense VIDAA AI also has the following two major characteristics:
1, Hisense full scene voice to achieve an unprecedented six consecutive man-machine dialogue, can remember, understand the context, you can accurately understand the user's intent and identify up to 33 kinds of relationships.With the leading content management capabilities, Hisense full scene voice It has opened up all the interactive support for the 34 categories of life scenes under the VIDAA AI platform and supports six major dialects of Mandarin, Cantonese, Sichuan, Hunan, Shanghainese and Hokkien.

2. In the era of smart TV, the core of TV content service is mainly online video service. The Hisense VIDAA AI artificial intelligence system opens up to more than 100 mainstream life scene services for consumers in 34 major categories. Television is no longer a simple video service, take-away and translation , Taxi, hotel, air ticket booking, shopping, Wikipedia Q & A and other mainstream life services can be achieved on the TV side.

Into 2018, artificial intelligence technology for TV products has begun full penetration, and even popular trend, but the existing artificial intelligence products on the market there are three major chaos: Different concepts, the definition is not clear, the experience is not ideal.
In response, Hisense Polytechnic Co., Ltd. announced the general manager Yu Zhitao live Hisense on the definition of artificial intelligence television: artificial intelligence technology and smart TV combination, so that television with voice recognition, image recognition, natural language processing and machine learning Based on the basis of big data so that television has the user's 'thinking ability' and 'learning ability' .The TV screen is an extension of the user's life scene, the television becomes a full coverage of user life scene assistant .This definition covers the manual All the technical elements of intelligence, but also reflects the Hisense to artificial intelligence television to open up the user life circle of product ideas.

In the introduction of Zhitao, Hisense smart TV users daily viewing network content has reached 296 minutes, has exceeded the use of mobile phones, more and more young people began to return to the living room.But compared with the mobile terminal, smart TV on the user's life scene Penetration is still a big gap, Hisense's application of artificial intelligence technology and a fully open and ecological platform VIDAA AI system will be completely solved the current bottleneck in the development of smart TVs, and to bring users a really easy to use artificial intelligence experience.