According to foreign media reports, in addition to being overfished and suffering from rising water temperatures, coral reefs are facing damage from marine plastic trash, according to a research article published in Science, The number of sick plastic garbage has risen from 4% to 89%. What a shocking number!
Plastic bags, drinking straws, small toys, fast food packaging, plastic bottles, etc. are all major environmental issues, and the oceans have now become the 'new home' for these trash, even found in some very far seas Figure.
The article notes that it is estimated that more than 11 billion plastic fragments were found on coral reefs in the Asia Pacific region, a figure that is expected to rise 40% in the next few years without immediate action.
It is understood that plastic garbage may carry harmful microorganisms to the coral reef, at the same time, their collision with coral reefs will also give damage to the latter.If the coral reef is cut with plastic fragments with harmful microorganisms, then at this time It will become extremely vulnerable, and although the study is aimed at reefs in the Asia Pacific region, the same is true of other coral reefs.
However, this is not an unsolved problem: the researchers found that Australia had the least rubbish in the surveyed waters and Indonesia the most, and Australia had the most stringent rubbish control provisions in those surveyed areas, indicating that other regions This can be emulated.