AMD just disclosed some future plans for the CPU processor yesterday, such as the 7nm Zen 2 architecture has been designed to deliver samples during the year, future desktop Ryzen, server EPYC will use it, the latter will even have up to 64 core 128 threads .
Now, the authoritative hardware identification software HWINFO upgrade to 5.72 version, the update log leaked a lot of new hardware secrets:
- Enhanced support for AMD Starsip, Matisse, Radeon RX Vega M.
Starship This code appears in the line population in 2016, there is also an older road map can see it, Name it the successor to the first generation of Naples (EPYC) servers, the process was upgraded to 7nm, with up to 48 core 96 threads (up half), thermal design power range unchanged, or 35-180W.
However, according to AMD's official roadmap, Naples will be 7nm Rome (Rome) and then 7nm + Milan (Milan), using the Zen 2 and Zen 3 architectures respectively, with no Starship position.
However, taking into account the HWINFO can be said that the most authoritative hardware identification software, since it is absolutely no wind waves, so Presumably Starship is not a specific product code, but the platform and the like , Just as the modular Zen framework has a separate code name Zepplein (Zeppelin).
Matisse (French painter Matisse) Just said, Ryzen, the third generation of the 7nm Zen 2 technology architecture, is expected to debut next year, after the upcoming 12nm Zen + Ryzen 2000 series in April this year, the architecture specifications will be greatly improved , But still AM4 interface.
Of course, the Radeon RX Vega M is the first Vega GPU core integrated in the Intel Kaby Lake-G processor.
- Enhanced Initial Support Intel Ice Lake-SP (ICX)
SP at the end of the code refer to Intel two-way server , Ice Lake-SP is naturally a desktop and Ice Lake, 10nm process, the release time may be 2019 years.
In addition, Intel's next generation fever platform code-named Cascade Lake-X, it should be based on Ice Lake-SP come, see the second half of this year.
- Identify the future of AMD Vega, Navi GPU
AMD graphics continue to use Vega architecture, technology upgrade to 7nm, and then the new Navi architecture.
- Identify AMD 400 series chipsets
The first model, the X470, comes with the second-generation Ryzen 2000 series to be released in April but the AM4 platform interface remains unchanged and is fully compatible with the 300 series chipset and the Ryzen 1000 series.