Milford, Mass., January 29, 2018 - Waters Corporation Officially Launches Waters Oasis PRiME MCX Cartridge and 96-well Plates, This Product Selectively Retains and Concentrates Alkaline Compounds While Removing Up to 99% phospholipids, and the sample processing speed double the traditional hybrid mode solid phase extraction (SPE) products successfully removed the biological matrix of the highest interference material - phospholipids, will not only help researchers access to accurate information, It also simplifies the analysis, increases the stability of the method and extends the uptime of the instrument.

Waters' new Oasis PRiME MCX cartridge and sample plate eliminate phospholipids and other interfering impurities in biological matrices
Kim Haynes, Chief Product Operations Manager at Waters 'Center for Chemical Technology, said:' While everyone knows that sample purification has many advantages, such as reduced matrix effects and lower detection limits, many researchers do not have time to develop sample preparation methods Chose to eliminate the sample preparation step and they wanted to get accurate results faster with as few steps as possible.Thus, we developed streamlined three- and four-step approaches to the Oasis PRiME MCX that would not only be able to consistently, And reproducibly produce cleaner samples, and SPE faster than the traditional hybrid mode Finally, the researchers can use these advantages to improve the reliability of quantitative results, so as to better clinical trials, clinical studies and forensic Toxicology, food or environmental research. '
Oasis PRiME MCX is a mixed-mode (reversed phase and cation exchange) adsorbent that is used in the quantitative analysis of biological matrices such as serum, plasma, whole blood or human / animal tissue, as well as food samples such as milk, meat and eggs Targets, this adsorbent can easily cope with the inherent complexity of such an analysis, and the fact that the product can be used without activation and balance has saved researchers a great deal of time and effort. In addition to streamlining the process , The Oasis PRiME MCX also produces cleanest samples that reduce the need for ion suppression and instrument downtime due to column blockages, contamination of the ion source, and instrument shutdowns, providing researchers with highly consistent results. In addition, cleaner samples mean The longer your column will last.
Waters cartridges and sample plates are manufactured using an optimized, patented process that, when combined with a positive pressure or negative pressure vacuum extractor, dramatically improves workflow reproducibility and reduces sample processing time. To further ensure quality, each batch of adsorbent for Oasis PRiME MCX cartridges and plates was tested for quality using a common four-step phospholipid removal protocol.
Currently, Waters has started supplying Oasis PRiME MCX cartridges and 96-well plates worldwide. The introduction of Oasis PRiME MCX is the market-leading Waters Sample Preparation product line Oasis PRiME HLB, Ostro, Sep-Pak, Oasis HLB and Oasis Mixed Mode IEX have added new members.
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High Quality Sample Preparation Achieve High Quality Analytical Results
Analytical instrumentation has evolved over the past decade with the lowest limit of detection (LOD) in history. The ability of LC-MS instruments to detect and quantify traces of samples has also been significantly improved over the past years. Even so, some sample components May still be undetected, and naturally undetected sample components will not qualify and quantify, so sample preparation is more important than ever to get high quality LC-MS data.
Removing interfering components in a sample, such as lipids and pigments in blood or plasma samples, is the key to improving the signal strength and sensitivity of the mass spectrometer because these components can interfere with the signal response of the target analyte in the sample.In addition, Removing matrix interference from the sample is also a reliable way to extend the useful life of the column and mass spectrometer.