To be honest, the answer may be 'no' Just as our life is like the internet, IoT will not be safe.
But this is not a very satisfactory answer, so let's take a closer look.What are the parameters of IoT security? How do these metrics affect each other? What conclusions can we draw?
We'll cover these three factors in detail: • The cost of IoT security • How security changes over time • The scope of IoT security
Internet of things security economy
Let's start with the cost / value point Often, as anyone (anybody working on safety will know), everyone initially wanted to achieve 'supreme' safety, but if the cost is very high, it's usually not fast Will be so tough.Safety to follow the general economic law: the higher the safety, the higher the cost.The cost includes not only the cost of safety measures, but also the cost of convenience: multiple passwords, repeated requests, fast maturing.
So, what are the acceptable costs? According to the general economic law, the cost of things should be equal to their value, so the cost of security measures should be as much as the value of protected projects and the risks associated with security breaches. Logically, The higher the value and / or the greater the risk of a security breach, the more people are willing to pay to protect the thing.
Logically, but not so simple How do we determine the value of the context of the Internet of things? When asked about the value of things that shops can replace, it is a simple question, but the issues we are discussing are even more Ask the museum curator for the value of a picture, or ask the value of a parent's own child at home.So, how to assess the risk? Take a few minutes to read a series of data security vulnerabilities, and soon we will find that we underestimated Risks. Technological advances: Increasingly complex risks
The second indicator parameter is technology, or more precisely, technological advancement. Now the safe stuff may not be safe in the future, and what was unachievable in the past can be solved today.
Security has been contested with hackers for decades, and system complexity and the lack of absolute end-to-end supervision have also played a part. Today's systems are becoming more and more complex so security breaches can easily occur , And when vulnerabilities are identified, these vulnerabilities need to be promptly remediated.Some people think the ever-increasing complexity and the associated costs are the biggest risks to building a security system.In any case, at any given moment Technological advances are an important factor in the overall security of the Internet of Things. The scope of IoT security
This is a thorny issue. Security as a whole has no scope and no level playing field. Each security solution addresses a (potentially) specific security vulnerability and assumes that the vulnerability complies with certain rules while staying on Within the scope of the corresponding problem.
The problem is that perhaps the best way to say this is that the only real rule is that there is no rule.
Let's look at some examples: • Security Systems Imagine a house equipped with a security system that calls the dispatch center when an alarm is triggered. The security system will not operate when power is removed. Adding a backup battery pack is fine unless the dispatch center Even though the security system is operating as expected, the truth is that windows in the house may still be damaged before security guards arrive, and objects in the home may still be seized and stolen. • Wireless technology uses wireless technology to transmit All data is fully encrypted, but people who record encrypted data (such as username and password) and play back the data can still get the data without having to decrypt them • Wi-Fi mode or imagine someone listening to a few days House Wi-Fi. Soon he will know if there are people in the house, or in other words, we're still communicating when we're home and at home, even with all of our secure Wi-Fi connections. All data transmitted by technology using wireless technology is fully encrypted, but records of encrypted data such as username and Code) and those playing back the data will still be able to access the data without any decryption at all • Wi-Fi mode or imagine someone listening to a house's Wi-Fi communications for days on end.So soon enough he will know that at home In other words, we're still telling us when we're home and at home, even with all of our secure Wi-Fi connections.

Comprehensive variety of factors
These simple examples will give you an idea of why security issues, especially Internet security, are challenging and why we have no reason to think the security of physical networks is much easier.
Technological advances and the continuing redefinition of scope make the situation uncertain, forcing us to continually re-examine current security measures.We are not sure what will happen next and we can not predict the impending threats, How could we know if we are safe?
Although it may sound reasonable, we do not have to be desperate either, and we all have a reasonable assessment of how to avoid trouble in our daily lives, and the same applies to the Internet of Things.
Things that happen in today's technology arena also offer new and great opportunities. The Internet of Things allows us to gather more data to learn more and to make better ('more qualified') decisions more quickly This completely new area will improve the quality of our lives and create further prosperity.Of course, we need to understand how we can survive in this new field and how to avoid any inconveniences.Priority needs to be paid.
Stay tuned for our IoT series blog posts and we'll discuss energy efficiency in the third post. If you missed Part 1, learn about the impact of IoT on jobs and the labor market. Hope Qorvo experts talk about other topics? Email your suggestions to the Qorvo blog team, and we may discuss them later in this blog post.
About the author

Cees Links was the founder and CEO of GreenPeak Technologies, acquired by Qorvo in 2016. He is both a pioneer in the wireless data industry and a forward-looking leader in the continuous web of mobile computing, and in 2017 he Design News was awarded the title of Wi-Fi pioneer, and won the Golden Mousetrap Lifetime Achievement Award.