Apple has launched a preview version of iOS 11.3 on January 25 after launching seven iOS 11.2.5 minor updates, which not only brought the battery performance switch promised by Apple CEO Cook, but also brought A lot of other important updates, such as a new version of health apps.
It is understood that the updated health nutrition will integrate the health records of hospitals and clinics, users can view the medical data in a screen, access to laboratory results, drug trial notification. Simply put, is the health application and hospital electronic medical record data through.
Apple Health APP Upgrade: Integrate the hospital's electronic medical records in one screen to view personal medical data Of course, these electronic medical records are limited to hospitals that work with Apple Inc. It is learned that Apple currently has 12 hospitals across the country, including Penn Medicine, Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, Johns Hopkins University and the Geisinger Health System.
Apple said all user health data is encrypted, users need to enter a password or biometrics before they can access, and Geisinger system users update the data, the phone will receive an update notification.