Russian scientists have developed super-stable optical storage technology that creates new optical discs that store data for 1,000,000 years under certain conditions.
According to Science and Technology Daily reported that, The Russian study of this disc is a nanostructured glass optical disc, the use of femtosecond laser input method, the nanoscale glass material into a record and retrieve five-dimensional (5D) data storage media, in theory, can store data up to a few Billion or even billions of years.
The most surprising is that the protective layer of polymeric material on this disc makes it scratch-resistant so that scratches on the surface of the disc do not affect the data storage, but the disc can not be sustained if struck with a hammer.
Ultra-high density optical storage technology represents the future direction of optical storage. Today's information technology is evolving rapidly. To meet the growing demand for storage, various storage technologies are focused on increasing storage capacity, density, reliability, and data transfer rates.