According to the Global Times reported that recently appeared in the UK a very refreshing three views App, the main claim, Can leave behind the evidence after the relationship between the two men and women has been proved to be completely voluntary and thus avoid the possibility of future lawsuits.
For such apps, foreign lawyers say absurdly, which only gives a false sense of security to ignorant young men and women, trying to justify themselves in the face of allegations of sexual assault that others agree. But the factor not considered here is that someone may agree on the App, but that does not mean they must accept the relationship.
More crucially, there are also many loopholes in this type of app that are rapidly gaining popularity abroad. You simply can not tell whether the other side will go back and its conventions are not protected by law. Anthony Shelton, vice chancellor of the University of Buckingham, said using such software would put students at risk, both from a moral and legal level, and at the same time criticizing such app developers for the money they ultimately earned Can bring pain to others.