As two of the world's technology giants, Google and Microsoft are expected to announce two major scientific milestones in the coming weeks, underscoring the rapid progress humans make in quantum computing, but whether they can use the latest advances in technology to be useful in the short term Business applications is another matter.
Some leaders in quantum computing say quantum computers will be used in important practical applications over the next five years, much earlier than previously expected.Quantum computers use quantum mechanics to dramatically increase computational speed.
'We have a chance to solve a series of previously unresolved issues,' said Todd Holmdahl, director of Microsoft Quantum Team, who said quantum computing will be used in key practical applications within five years. 'For the traditional For computers, they may have to run out of 'cosmic life' in order to solve these problems. '
Seven years ago, the Canadian company DWave began selling a quantum computer with limited use, but the true meaning of quantum computing was applied to a general-purpose computer that could be programmed to handle a range of tasks with computational power beyond the current computer. The advantages of computational technology include mimicking molecules, helping to develop breakthrough drugs and making machine learning many times stronger.
However, other companies that are developing quantum computing think the forecast is overly optimistic, and Mike Mayberry, director of Intel's lab, said that before the advent of truly usable quantum computing, there was a "10-year Competition 'to fight.' We are still in the 'toy system' era, 'he said.
Two major milestones to be announced by Google and Microsoft are to show how quantum computing can move quickly from theoretical physics to practical applications.Although quantum computing was started 12 years ago, Microsoft still failed to develop a working quantum bit, Holmdahl said that Microsoft is now "very close" to announce the realization of this breakthrough.
Microsoft was slower than other companies in quantum computing. IBM announced in 1998 to develop a working quantum bit, and announced in December last year to assist partners to develop practical applications.However, Microsoft's Quantum Design Is a huge bet against an unverified technology that, if successful, would quickly surpass companies that have already taken the lead in this area.
Another milestone to be announced by Google will be the first to show how quantum computers solve the limits of traditional computers, which the industry calls quantum hegemony when it comes to computing power over conventional computers. Daniel Lidar, a professor of quantum computing at the University, said the milestone will make a big difference in scientific research as it marks the first time that quantum computing has gained that the quantum computer has broken the bottleneck.
Google has set a timetable with the goal of making quantum hegemony by the end of 2017. Its testing began late last year to show that 49-qubit systems can solve problems that go beyond traditional computer capabilities. Google did not comment on the test results , The success of the test results also need to evaluate before publishing scientific research papers.
However, Leader and other experts said that even if Google succeeded in making quantum hegemony, quantum technology is still a long way from its practical application.