17-year sales of Apple was the fourth, so the first three sales so good
Recently, the international research organization GFK released their research data, including the domestic mobile phone market, the major brands of shipments statistics in just past 2017, the further rise of domestic smart phones: Huawei (including glory) to 102 million Of the sales in the Chinese market topped the position, followed by the climate are OPPO and VIVO two offline sales of non-crown king; behind the three domestic brands, is sold a total of 51.05 million handsets apple. A mobile phone manufacturers either online or offline focus, and ultimately able to let the user satisfaction, allowing users to pay is the last word. The GFK calculation method just calculates the number of sold, (Sell-Out that is calculated by the number of users to buy and Excluding phones that are still in the hands of distributors at all levels, then we might as well look at what these brands are selling so well.
First place: Huawei (including glory) Although Huawei has always wanted to keep its glory as an independent brand, GFK does not seem to think so, but it is also relying on Huawei + Glory's rapid growth both online and offline. Huawei sold 102 million handsets in 2017 In the replacement rate has slowed down today, Huawei can play such a result can be said to be proud of.
However, it may seem difficult to choose a handset capable of representing Huawei 2017 from the beginning of the year as the beginning of the Huawei P10 to the end of the HUAWEI Mate 10 series. At the end of the year, Huawei has maintained a steady growth in sales volume all the year round; including Glory V9 and Glory 9 two products also get a good sales.But in the end I still chose Mate 10 Pro as the best on behalf of Huawei 2017 products.
HUAWEI Mate 10 Pro If Mate 10 Pro was the flagship product of Huawei following the trend of full-screen wave iteration at that time, then it may have no obvious advantages in terms of overall screen appearance and release time, but the full screen is not the most insignificant one in Mate 10 Pro Features, the real highlight of Mate 10 Pro is Huawei's forward-looking move: artificial intelligence.Although the current AI is still not mature enough, but the Mate 10 series as the first to open the mobile AI that batch The machine should be no problem. HUAWEI Mate 10 Pro Purchase Address: https://item.jd.com/5706775.html Of course, the glory brand still contributes to a large part of the data.As a rooted in the Internet brand, glory began planning for the offline market, glory 9 invited Hu song endorsement is undoubtedly a very successful coup. From the point of view, Huawei can get the No. 1 sales in China market, in addition to good enough products, online and offline combination of publicity campaign results and word of mouth reputation effect also contributed.
Second place: OPPO Immediately after Huawei is still a domestic brand, and is almost known as the king of offline OPPO. With a strong upstream and downstream capabilities and channel integration capabilities, OPPO speed of development in recent years can not be unpleasant, but this year at It was somewhat surprising to see that OPPO was able to occupy the second place with a sales volume of about 77.75 million with almost exclusively focusing on its high-end products OPPO R11 and OPPO R11s.
However, picking up something that represents OPPO's 2017 product is a lot easier, but a multiple choice between OPPO R11 and OPPO R11s, but my answer may be somewhat unjustified: A choice. OPPO R11s OPPO R11 release time just close to the 6.18 this year, mid-line to promote the big day, we also see the OPPO addition to offline, the online sales power seems unreasonable: 5 minutes on sale, Jingdong Mall sales The amount has become the first; on sale for 7 minutes, R11 has become the first single-product sales; on sale for 40 minutes, R11 sales already exceeded the previous generation R9s sales throughout the day.
The R11 can be so successful, with its focus on portraiture, positioning precision is not unrelated; while the exclusive Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 for some time let us clearly understand this does not lose the strength of the Snapdragon 8 Series mobile platform combined with Qualcomm and Tencent together to make the game to adapt to the game, the new beauty algorithm focused on portrait photography is to seize the user pain points.While R11s as the OPPO in the full screen era of iteration product is also good to hold the R11 lay 'Jiangshan' , A small step to improve the ID design, demonstrate the innovative ability of the dark shot R11s continued R11 good results. OPPO R11s purchase address: https://item.jd.com/22618163023.html This article belongs to the original article, if reprinted, please indicate the source: Apple sales in the fourth was 17, the first three by selling so good http://mobile.zol.com.cn/676/6761890.html
Third place: vivo
Followed by the OPPO is its closest rival: vivo. If the name of OPPO offline king who may shake the case, then only a vivo, while the sales volume of 72.23 million also with the OPPO And OPPO R11 / R11s different heroic situation, vivo in 2017 the power point is more simple: keep an eye on vivo X20 this one.
Although the vivo X9s was released in vivo in June prior to the X20, the Vivo X20 is the home of the 2017 model in terms of sales volume and product itself, with the release of the full screen design on September 21 Vivo X20 is definitely in the wave of full screen this first to seize the first batch of mobile phones and the original design for the full screen adaptation gesture interaction function is to make this screen more 'pure' It has not been surprising that the best-selling vivo X20 has always been the traditional advantages of filming, music and Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 mobile platform to bring the game performance.
vivo X20 Plus UD Vivo is not only a successful product of the X20 that deserves our attention in 2017. From the prototype screen-in-cell fingerprint recognition technology demonstrated in vivo in 2017 to the commercially available vivo X20 Plus UD version at CES this year, After six months, the X20 Plus UD, the world's first commercially available screen-fingerprint technology handset, shows us the other side of the field of research that focuses on the field of biology. vivo X20 purchase address: https://item.jd.com/5437627.html Fourth place: Apple Finally saw our old friend Apple, but this time the location of Apple a bit embarrassed: not only only ranked fourth in the Chinese mobile phone sales charts, but also with the top three sales a considerable difference, only 51.05 million. There are a lot of sales are brought by the iPhone7 / Plus. So although Apple's representative for 2017 is the iPhone X, but I still somewhat reluctant.XXX changes in the size of large and large. Has the product change? Has the performance strong enough? As always, is a good enough, with Apples products? Seems so bad. iPhone X iPhone X is such a full of a lot of contradictory products: It uses a strong visual impact of the full screen design but had to retain the conspicuous bangs; finally support the DP protocol fast charge but still only poor 5W charger Standard; named A11 bionic performance explosion because of iBug 11 frustration everywhere iPhone X as Apple's 10 year gift products should be more memorable, but with such a transcript to us. The past, the apple has always been calm, as long as the new generation of iPhone release seems to not consider what function, what features, what marketing ... as long as you have a familiar Apple logo behind, it will be able to sell .But this year Apple seems to be in a hurry, hurriedly come up with wireless charging, the temporary Face ID, as well as the interaction between the Bug full of iOS 11, if Apple does not want to be discarded in the Chinese market, then it may have to consider more. iPhone X purchase address: https://item.jd.com/5089253.html
This article belongs to the original article, if reprinted, please indicate the source: Apple sales in the fourth was 17, the first three by selling so good http://mobile.zol.com.cn/676/6761890.html http://mobile.zol.com.cn/676/6762865.html mobile.zol.com.cn true Zhongguancun Online http://mobile.zol.com.cn/676/6761890.html report 2148 Third: vivo Followed by OPPO is the closest of its 'rival': vivo. If the name of OPPO offline king who may shake the case, then it is only a vivo, and sales of 72.33 million With the OPPO is closely related to the situation with the OPPO R11 / R11s duel hegemony, vivo in 2017 the power point is more simple: eye on the vivo X20 this paragraph.
Fifth place: millet
In fact, compared to 2016, 2017 is considered a lucky year for millet - although this lucky year does not seem to be as lucky as it seems .. 5094 million units sold compared to the previous apple seems to be almost the same , But a large part of the sales of millet from the red rice series of low-end product line, both sales and profit margins are still a long way to go compared with Apple.
So, in fact, I would like to select millet Note3 as millet 2017 masterpiece: What it represents behind the millet is trying to make changes - inviting popular celebrities as advocates, no longer hungry marketing, no longer the price as the only selling point , Try to empower the offline market ... The only pity is that the sales of the millet Note3 does not seem to imagine so good, until today is in the major platform continue to cut prices.
Millet MIX2 So we still choose the most high-end millet that product - millet MIX2 as a representative of the millet MIX just released it can be said to have caused quite a stir, almost no border design on three sides at the time severely shocked a large People, although exposed after the call quality, imaging and other issues gradually exposed the millet MIX defects. And to the millet MIX2 generation of products back to the traditional earpiece, CMOS from Sony seems to indicate that this generation of millet MIX perfect than before, but compromise always have to pay the price: the traditional handset naturally let the top border and thicken A little, Sony's CMOS MIX2 frustration of the lens to highlight a lot - the focus is even under the outstanding lens MIX2 camera capabilities than the mainstream flagship phone. If 2016 is the last year millet depleted the brainstorming and pricing battle, 2017 should be the year Millet is trying to find a new profit model. However, it has been a long time since it was rooted in genes 'Cost', 'fever' these words now become the limit of the confinement of millet, I am afraid that users want to change the attitude of the millet did not think so simple.
Millet MIX2 purchase address: https://item.jd.com/5001213.html Sixth: Meizu Just behind the millet is exactly the past, often used as a contrast to the 'Meizu' Meizu, but simply to look at sales, Meizu with the front of several brands is still not a small gap, the sales of 16.81 million can not be justified But if you consider the full Meizu 2017 Xiaolong help, just rely on MediaTek and Charm Blue can achieve such results, but even more dazzling.
Therefore, the Meizu 2017 masterpiece, will never be the Meizu Pro7 / Plus this generation of products, although the screen design is unique and excellent, excellent ID design is also a home-made models after the fall, but MediaTek almost Meizu's 'original sin', as long as one day Meizu MediaTek platform is still used, the user is doomed to purchase very few. Charm Blue Note6 So in my mind, the masterpiece of Meizu 2017 is instead a mobile phone with a price of one thousand yuan: Charm blue Note6. The first product of Qualcomm's ice-breaking cooperation is Charm Blue's first dual-camera mobile phone with Charm Blue operating as an independent brand The first product ... these properties are so charm Blue Note6 full of symbolic significance, not to mention its sales are still very good.
Charm Blue Note6 the birth of really Meizu brand is a major event: equipped with Qualcomm's top-level processor Meizu phone is already on the road? If Meizu want to keep up with the few brands in front of it, relying solely on the charm blue and thousands The machine market is clearly not enough, then let us look forward to the real flagship - the birth of Meizu 15 it.
Charm blue Note6 purchase address: https://item.jd.com/4768465.html This article belongs to the original article, if reprinted, please indicate the source: Apple sales in the fourth was 17, the first three by selling so good http://mobile.zol.com.cn/676/6761890.html http://mobile.zol.com.cn/676/6762866.html mobile.zol.com.cn true Zhongguancun Online http://mobile.zol.com.cn/676/6761890.html report 2343 Fifth place: millet In fact, compared to 2016, 2017 is considered a lucky year for millet - although this lucky year seems to have not imagined so 'lucky' sales of 50.94 million units compared to the previous Apple seems to be almost the same, but the sales of millet can have a large part from the red rice series of low-end product line, both sales and profit margins with Apple ...
Seventh place: Jin Li
Jin Li should be the list of the most longevity of the domestic mobile phone manufacturers.After all, such as millet Meizu brands are actually very young, and Huawei is halfway home only began to do the mobile phone industry enterprises.In this environment, established in 2002 It is not impossible for Jin Li to be called a 'long history' mobile phone brand.
Moreover, unlike our image of 'old man', who was impressed by the age of majority, he was very quick in grasping the technology and the market.Jinli S10 was quickly followed up and studied by each family Half a year Jin Li is one breath released several full-screen products from low-end to high-end fully updated product line for the seventh place for the Jin is still far from the limit.
Jinli M7 Then in my mind to represent Jin Li's 2017 masterpiece is the Jinli M7. 4000mAh large battery was placed in a mere 7.2mm fuselage.And the same size but slightly thick iPhone8 Plus but only more than 2000 milliamperes capacity The unique design of the sun lines makes it stand out in a full screen of water, not to mention the multi-protection safety capabilities that Jinli has long valued. Jin M7 purchase address: https://item.jd.com/5125907.html Eighth: Samsung To be honest, it was a bit of a surprise for me to see the Samsung name in this position, and to understand that Samsung is still the world's largest mobile phone maker today, but only 11.07 million units are sold in the domestic market, but if we calculate 2017 China How many units in the sale of mobile phones using the Samsung screen, technology, so I am afraid it is easy to break billion is not impossible.
Samsung in this year's domestic market did not continue the past machine-sea tactics, but concentrate on operating their own high-end product line .This is also its simple sales seem to reduce a lot of reason .Then select the Samsung 2017 range is also narrow Quite a few, I think Samsung S8 is more suitable. Samsung Galaxy Note8 Although the Samsung S8 has already been released since early 2017, it has not lagged behind even in terms of design, performance or video capture, and is even more suitable for Note 17 than the Note8 Known as the annual machine 18.5: 9 screen ratio, the whole screen as the shock effect of the screen, IP67 level of waterproof and dustproof ... ... Samsung S8 in addition to excellent body design is quite forward-looking comparison of the business-oriented Note8 , Take Samsung S8 as a masterpiece may be more appropriate.
In fact, whether it is technical reserves, camera tuning, design, innovative features, etc., Samsung has been in the forefront of the mobile phone industry.But the previous setback to Samsung in the Chinese market seems a bit behind, the user approval level than ever before Decline.As long as you can meet a suitable opportunity, I believe Samsung returned to the top three or even once again to get the first sale of the throne is not impossible.
Samsung cover music world S8 purchase address: https://item.jd.com/4938580.html This article belongs to the original article, if reprinted, please indicate the source: Apple sales in the fourth was 17, the first three by selling so good http://mobile.zol.com.cn/676/6761890.html http://mobile.zol.com.cn/676/6762867.html mobile.zol.com.cn true Zhongguancun Online http://mobile.zol.com.cn/676/6761890.html report 1874 Seventh: Jin Li Jin Li should be the list of the most longevity of domestic mobile phone manufacturers.After all, such as millet Meizu brands are actually very young, and Huawei is halfway home only began to do the mobile phone industry enterprises.In this environment , Jin established in 2002 is called a "long history" of the mobile phone brand does not seem not not work. And we are impressed by the age of a big hand and foot slow ...
Ninth & Tenth: Bai Lifeng and Lenovo
The two remaining brands after Samsung are Blocklif and Lenovo, which sell less than 10 million units, one for both non-smart machines such as feature phones and cell phones; the other has just gone through Brand and product line adjustments are not very suitable for the selection of an annual masterpiece belonging to them.So we temporarily give only two flagship store address, although there is no representative of the product for a year, but there are still many excellent The product is worth considering.
Moto z2 2018Brilliant official flagship store: https://mall.jd.com/index-1000089827.html Lenovo official flagship store: https://lenovo.jd.com/ Looking back at 2017, we can see that the "T-type" development in the mobile phone industry seems to be getting more and more obvious - the top handset makers have dominated most of the market, leaving little behind in market share and space for development This is why there has been 2017 will be the winter mobile phone industry reasons: several giants difficult to embezzle each other market, and the market demand in 2017 did not significantly increase the pace of natural development of various brands also slowed a lot .
Therefore, the time left for the next few brands may have been less and less, want to stand in the fierce competition in today's mobile phone market, we must come up with very convincing products to the front of the brand naturally 'Sit tight and help', after all, in this high-speed train, once thrown down to want to catch up once again will have to pay a very big effort.
This article belongs to the original article, if reprinted, please indicate the source: Apple sales in the fourth was 17, the first three by selling so good http://mobile.zol.com.cn/676/6761890.html http://mobile.zol.com.cn/676/6762868.html Mobile.zol.com.cn True Zhongguancun Online http://mobile.zol.com.cn/676/6761890.html Report 990 Ninth & Tenth: 100 abundance and Lenovo in Samsung after the remaining two brands is sold less than 10 million levels of 100 abundance and Lenovo two of these two brands a focus on functional machine and the elderly machine Non-intelligent machine field; the other has just gone through the brand and product line adjustments are not very suitable for the selection of an annual masterpiece belonging to them. So we temporarily give only two flags ...
http://mobile.zol.com.cn/676/6761890.html mobile.zol.com.cn true Zhongguancun Online http://mobile.zol.com.cn/676/6761890.html report 2992 Recently, the international research organization GFK released their research data, including the domestic mobile phone market, the major brands of shipments statistics in just past 2017, the further rise of domestic smart phones: Huawei (including glory) to 102 million Of the sales of China's top market position firmly sit, and followed by the climate are OPPO and VIVO sales of two non-crown king; and in these three domestic ...